Gray and Haru didn't hesitate rushing to Asami, Carl went to Wendy's side with Nagisa, and Lucy kneeled down beside Natsu.

"Asami?" Haru mumbled in worry as he looked at his unconscious mother figure being held by Gray who laid her head in his lap.

"Wendy's out cold." Carla said looking at the blunette in concern as Nagisa held the young girl.

Lucy did the same with Natsu. "He's isn't waking up."

Gray pulled out a small jar filled with red pills also know Ex-balls. "Maybe they need some magic to wake them up." He muttered glancing at the pills and the three dragon slayers. He grabbed Natsu first and shoved one in his mouth.

"Are you okay?" Lucy asked the fire dragon slayer who started coughing as he opened his eyes.

Natsu let out a ferocious roar before running out of the room.

"Next is Wendy." Gray muttered as he was more gentle with the blunette. Carla immediately went to her side as she opened her eyes. He then moved over to his fiancee his features softening. "Asami." But before he could give her one she began to move.

"Hmm." Asami groaned—her blue eyes fluttering open. "Gray? Haru?" She mumbled seeing their faces close up. She immediately felt arms wrapping around her. "Gray?"

"I'm so glad you're okay." He whispered into her neck as he breathed in her scent and released his hold on her.

She gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "I'm glad you're okay too." She was referring to him being in a lacrima. He had tinted cheeks and she would have to but, she was more focused on the problem at hand. She stood up and glanced at Haru who was looking at her with a concerned look on his face. "Haru? Are you okay?"

"Hm. I'm fine. I'm just glad you're okay." He muttered crossing his arms over his chest looking away from her.

She blinked before smiling softly at him

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She blinked before smiling softly at him. She ruffled his hair affectionately. "Sorry about worrying you." She said gently noticing the tears in his eyes.

"I wasn't worried." He mumbled his cheeks tinted from the sudden affection she gave him. Unaware of the soft smile on Nagisa's face as she watched the small scene.

Wendy blinked her eyes awake as she let out a small cough grabbing their attention. Asami immediately rushed over to her and helped her sit up. "Are you okay Wendy?"

"Yeah." She gave her a small smile before it dropped and her eyes filled with worry. "But, our friends."

"They're in trouble." Asami nodded looking at everyone else in the room.

Wendy sniffled grabbing their attention. "The King plans on using the giant lacrima to crash into Extalia." Everyone besides Asami were shocked.

"The giant lacrima was on one of the islands near Extalia." Haru said remembering the giant island that was carrying the lacrima on it.

Asami The Water Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now