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First of all I need to say, "I love You Father, and I love You Jesus!" I noticed that I say, "God help me and love me," quite a bit in my entries. I try to tell God and Jesus I love them every day; I do so when I pray, but I can tell Them more than once. I want everybody to tell God and Jesus they love Them every day, They need to hear that you love them; it makes Them happy!
     I am editing these again, got the first hundred done, and I struggled hard with something - the very first entry; should I delete it or not? I had already prayed and was in my bed talking to God. I knew He was listening; I felt His Presence. I asked Him several questions, because I have felt, even the first time I posted that entry, weird about the purpose of that entry - was it necessary? Do people need to know? Is it meant for God and me only? The list goes on and on.
After much debating I came to my decision - I am going to delete it. Well God told me differently, and I didn't delete it.
     I listen to the 80's hits on tv while I read the Bible, so l turned the channel and a George Michael song came on at that same second - "Faith." I know George Michael has his own problems (I will pray for him), but God used him to talk to me. See - now I feel a little funny. It happened, and I am gonna leave that entry. Read "Jesus Heals" from Scripture Speaks, it is related to George Michael's death - I just wrote this just now, about a two weeks after I wrote that entry - this last long sentence.
     I have struggled and continue to struggle with that word - faith. Most importantly, God listens to everyone, not just me. Talk to Him, tell Him you love Him, and ask for His guidance, you will be pleasantly surprised. Tell God that you love Him.

Jesus answered him, "The first of all the commandments is:  'Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one.
    'And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.'  This is the first commandment.
    "And the second, like it, is this:  'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'  There is no other commandment greater than these."
                         Mark 12:29-31

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