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     For what is the hope of the hypocrite,
     Though he may gain much,
     If God takes away his life?
     Will God hear his cry
     When trouble comes upon him?
     Will he delight himself in the
     Will he always call on God?
                         Job 27:8-10

     I can get pretty weird and off topic - I deleted this whole entry.  What is a hypocrite?  Well, my definition is someone that says one thing and then does the opposite of what they said - a liar, a two-faced person. 
     Any type of hypocrisy can potential harm someone, which is not good.  God is who I am worried about - I can trick man but not God.  I don't think that God is gonna let me off the hook.  I need to truly be sorry to be forgiven.  I can't do something wrong, ask for forgiveness, and then do the same thing the next day and expect to be forgiven. 
      Still need to clarify - I don't think I can intentionally sin and expect forgiveness.  Now I could possibly have a problem sinning, but that is weakness.  God has helped me with my problems.  I just needed to repent and ask for help.  Tell God that you love Him.

Love God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. Please read your Bible.

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