Psalm 31:9-17

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     Have your ever felt ugly, weak, insecure, and powerless?  Well, without God, you are.  The world can dissect you, fiber by fiber, if you let it.  I just remember that God is in my heart, and all seems better. 
     David is feeling all these emotions while speaking to God.  The passage gains power in verse 14 -

     "But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord; my times are in Your hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me."
     Let God control your life and see what happens.  Personally, I need to work on this myself.  I have Him in my heart, but I am not totally committed to Him - I try daily.  I need to write, "God help me and love me."  Now I feel better.  😀🕊🙏.  Tell God you love Him.

The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. Please read your Bible.

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