"Sierra invited me and told me to bring anyone I liked to bring," she explains. "Mason and Eli came with me because I asked them to, then before I knew it, I saw Eli acting weird and gassy. I think he was drunk."

"He was on drugs," I deadpan.

"What?" Megan asks, obviously surprised.

"He was high," I repeat, but in a much calmer tone.

I couldn't get mad at her over the phone. That would make me such an evil best friend.

"No," Megan whispers, but there was a tinge of doubt in her voice.

"He told me himself," I say.

She inhales sharply, then doesn't talk for a few moments.

"Are you mad at me?" she asks, her voice quivering.

"Nah," I say nonchalantly, picking at my nails. "What's done is done, right? At least no one got hurt."

Except me.

She forces out a laugh and makes up an excuse about how she needed to help her mom with the laundry.

I knew it was an excuse because she never helped her mom do the laundry.

"Okay then," I mutter. "Uhh. I miss you, Meg."

"Same here," she says and I could almost see the smile on her face. "Don't find a Megan replacement, okay?"

"I'd never," I chuckle lightly with a smile on my face.

I knew that was never gonna happen.

I sit on my bed with a throw pillow pressed to my face, thinking about what I'm doing with my life.

"Summer!" Dad calls from downstairs. "Time for breakfast!"

"Coming," I mutter under my breath.

I find my way down the huge staircase, still not over the fact that Dad's house was like a castle.

Mom and Dad were having a casual talk about the weather while I sit down and take small bites off my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

After that, I load the dishes to the dishwasher and excuse myself.

Something was bothering me. I felt as if something was wrong.

Eli was acting like he actually did like me, Megan was acting a bit distant even if I've only been gone for a couple of days, and Mason and I haven't talked since Eli got wasted.

Was there really a chance that I'd be losing them?


The rest of my day was actually boring.

I lay on my bed, watching reality shows and other stuff like that.

I haven't eaten lunch yet, and it was already half past five in the afternoon.

My stomach has been making loud dying whale noises for the past several minutes and I was too lazy and tired (from doing absolutely nothing) to get up and get at least a bag of crisps or a pudding cup from the pantry.

I scratch Mystique's ears as she lay beside me on my bed and let out a huge sigh.

A knock at the door makes me flinch, then I asked, "Who is it?"

"It's Shaniqua and my booty needs scratching so open up," a voice says.


"Just a minute," I holler as I run to the bathroom and wash my face then brush my teeth. I put my hair in a tight ponytail and debate whether I should change clothes.

The Summer Everything Turned UglyWhere stories live. Discover now