Chapter 24 - Why is she here? Part 2

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"Are you a stripper?" I heard the words fall out of my mouth before I could think.

"Not that I can recall." She said, oddly calm, as she stalked towards me like a predetor to it's prey. 

"Sorry, I thought that if a woman fucks so many different men then she would be considered a stripper." I shot back, waiting for her response before I could form a proper plan.

"Excuse me?" Sounding offended, she stopped stalking towards me and instead stared at me in disbelief and growing hatred,"These are me henchman."

"Ohh...Into kinks now, are we?" I smirked.

Silence, again, followed my words and the looks, again followed my downfall. The only thing I could see and feel next was a piece of ducktape being pushed onto my lips. My eyes widened as I thought about what happened to Scarlet and how she was mercilessly beaten by her own mother. What could happen to me, someone who isn't even her daughter? The hag's eyes darkened as she stared at me intently. 

Soon, the silence started to engulf me and spill out my secrets. It felt as if the ducktape wasn't there and one by one, word by word my worst feels came spilling out and with each one Edei got new ideas on how she could hurt and tourture me physically and mentally. This explains why she specualted me with great curiosity and raised her hand.

My breath froze. My eyes searched the room and found Kai's. He looked as if he would explode any minute. Why isn't he gonna stop her? , I thought. Quick as death, I felt a devastating sting on my face and the head ontop of my neck was snapped to the left. Edei grabbed my chin and forced me to look at her and ripped off the ducktape. My eyes burned, watery and forced to loo into hell, found their way back to Kai on the opposite side of the room. He had his head down not saying a word.

"Look at me you, slut!" She yelled.

"Am I really the slut?" I managed to shoot back still not fully understanding my own plan. 

I saw out of the corner of my eye Edei's arm raise, bringing back her hand. I shut my eyes, ready for the pain which quickly came. A aching, sharp jolt of pain flowed through my cheek as my head was snapped to the left again. 

"Why is it always the right side?" I asked her,"Can you at least be smart when it comes to your hits too?" 

By now, Edei had let go of my face and looked at me with the hatred seen earlier, fully grown more than I thought that I would make it. 

"You..." She slipped, almost losing her cool. She straightened up and turned to one of her 'love' servants. Whispering something in their ear, she recived gloves that she put on right as she got them.

"STOP!" I heard Kai's powerful voice yell. 

Edei froze and turned towards him as he glared at her. He glanced at me for a quick moment with something unrecongnizable in his eyes and soon returned to Edei. 

"Leave her the hell alone." he said with threat dripping down every millimeter of his voice. 

"And what are you gonna do? Your tied up sweetie." Edei taunted as she motioned to the ropes.

Kai clenched his jaw and closed his eyes for a split second, and can I say, even though we were in a horrible situation, can I appreciate someones hotness? 

Kai glared at Edei and sneered,"I won't have to do anything but open up my mouth for you to stop. I know what you want and need, Edei. The only person that can make that happen is me. So  I suggest you leave Hayley alone, and talk to me. I wont do what you need me to do if you keep terrozing them like this.

Edei froze as if Kai hit a cord. 

"You'd do it?" She asked in almost disbelief,"If I stopped hurting her, you'd kill, steal and bring down countries for me? At my call? At my order?"

Kai glanced at me once more.

"Yup." He said popping the 'p'. Sounding almost too joyful. 

Edei specualted him once more and went silent for a full-on thirty two seconds(I counted).

"Well then, it's a deal, now isn't it?" She spoke.

I scrunched my face in confusion when suddenly, the best idea came to mind. 

Well..., I decided, If I can't beat her physically ...

I looked at Scarlet who looked at her mother like she grew five heads. She caught my eye which suddenly had spark in it and she shook her head frantically, knowing what I was finally came to the conclusion of planning. I was going to piss the shit out of Edei. 

"Edei, lovely," I called,"Be a darling and stop being a bitch!" 

I'm fucked.

Hey guys! Sorry, so so so, sorry about the really bad chapter and how the book was confusing in the earlier chapters! Also, I didn't personally like this chapter because I am not that best at comebacks and so to be a sarcastic Hayley, it was practically impossible for me. Especially the last thing she said. I also don't think I've been that good with character development on each of the characters so I'll start that when I make the next chapter, hohoho!

-Pizza out! 

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