MJ Fan Tag

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The reason that i'm doing this tag is because, I'm bored i don't know what to do XD, & I barely found about it, so lets begin. Before starting this shoutouts to AlisClarkKent for giving me the inspiration! Janelis, espero que me entiendas mi ingles :D no lo voy a poner en español  por la maldita flojea :v.

Here are the questions:

How do you become a MJ fan?
I was doing a research about musical legend & i only knew about Michael(just his name Lol) , but while i was getting information of him, I learned a lot of his music,& basically i felt in
love of him. 😋

Why do you love MJ a lot?
-Well I love Michael , because he's a very important person in my life besides my family, with just listening one of his songs makes me so happy. Idk it's something that he has that makes me feel that way 😘

Share a fun experience that u have that MJ was involved.
I went to see MJ The One by Cirque Du Solei(Idk how it supposed to be written), it was awesome !!! I honestly don't have words to describe how beautiful it was, just that anyone who loves MJ go to see it!
& another experience is that this is the best fandom ever, I feel like myself everytime I see people loving the same as I do :3 , & that I met this girl that is my bae MJJ4evs 😘.

What's your favorite physical attribute of MJ?
His JACKSONCONDA... I meant his eyes, smile, & his booty 🍑😝... EVERYTHING goddamit! :v

Name 5 of your favorite song by MJ, or 5 songs that comes on your mind.
5 songs that comes out of my mind are, Give Into Me, Scream, Black or White,Ghost, In the Closet 💕

What's your favorite short film of MJ?
My favorite short film of Michael it has to be Speed Demon, I just love the creativity to make it a cartoon, & also I love his face expressions 😍😍.

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What's your favorite private video of MJ ?I honestly don't know what it's referring to as a private video as a sexual video, or a video like just a vlog that he had

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What's your favorite private video of MJ ?
I honestly don't know what it's referring to as a private video as a sexual video, or a video like just a vlog that he had. I'm going to go with the second guessing, I love the video when he says " I love to tour" is just hilarious.😂

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