Kuro: Truth

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The characters may speak Japanese a lot (If the translation's wrong, I apologize... I used google translate) Also, this chapter may be longer than the others b/c this will be the last one

Mahiru: *shaking* Kuro, what's happened to you?
Lily: I don't sense nii san's presence at all!!
Hugh: You mean...
Jeje: ...nii san is gone?!
Licht: So then... *points at possessed Kuro* who is that?
Hyde: *softly* It's nii san's demon...
Misono: That can't be!! I've seen it before...so has Mahiru!!
Hyde: The demon didn't completely take over nii san's mind so what you saw was only a small part of the demon's true form.
Mahiru: *to the demon* Bring Kuro back 😠!!
Kuro (Demon): *maniacal laugh* Foolish boy, the one known as Sleepy Ash is gone for good!!
Lily: You're lying!!
Hugh: Nii san would never abandon us!!
Kuro (Demon): Oh really? Then, why did he let me take over so easily 😼?
Mahiru: *murmurs* Kuro... you didn't...
Kuro (Demon): *talks in Kuro's voice* Of course I did, Mahiru... Everything became too much of a pain... Especially living...
Mahiru: *completely fooled* Kuro, what are you saying?
Hyde: *slams his fist on the wall* Damare akuma (shut up, demon)!! Nii san would NEVER say those fucking words!! *to Mahiru* Snap out of it!! That's not nii san!!
Mahiru: *ignores Hyde* Kuro...
Hyde: *tries to slap Mahiru to his senses*
Licht: *stops Hyde* It's no use, Hyde!! Mahiru's completely out of it!!
Kuro (Demon): Enough of this!! *to Sakuya* You're dead meat!! *brings out claws*
Mahiru: *runs to Sakuya and stands in front of him*
Kuro (Demon): Get out of my way, foolish boy!! I want to kill him *points at Sakuya* not you!!
Mahiru: No!! I won't get out of your way!! Sakuya's my friend and I won't let you hurt him or anyone else!! If you want to hurt someone, then hurt me instead!!
Licht: *frantic* Mahiru!! What are you...?!
Mahiru: I have to stop Kuro...
Misono: Are you out of your mind?!
Mahiru: *persistent* Thinking simply, I have to be the one to save Kuro!! Other than me, who else can?!
Mikuni: He's got a point, you guys. Out of all of us, Mahiru is the one that Kuro would least likely hurt.
Hyde: *to Mahiru* This is why nii san didn't want you to know!! He knew that you would do something like this but... *trails off*
Tetsu: But what, Hyde?
Hyde: *looks away*
Licht: *impatient* What is it, shitty rat?
Hyde: *tears fall* ...in the end, you guys found out... in the worst way possible...
Licht: Hyde... *wipes the tears off Hyde's face* It's okay...
Hyde: *sobbing* No, it's not!! Not only did I break my promise to nii san, but I can't even do anything to save him!! I'm a terrible brother 😭!!

Hyde: *sobbing* No, it's not!! Not only did I break my promise to nii san, but I can't even do anything to save him!! I'm a terrible brother 😭!!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Licht: Hyde, that's not true...
Hyde: Oh really 😠?! I have been guilt-tripping him for years, not forgiving him for something that happened ages ago!! Something he already regretted doing!!
Tetsu: But you don't guilt-trip him anymore, Hyde. You guys reconciled...
Misono: You guys do still fight sometimes but that's just what siblings do!!
Kuro (Demon): Damare!! I can't stand listening to anymore of this crap!! *to Mahiru* You going to move or what?! If you don't, I won't be able to guarantee that your life will be spared...
Mahiru: *shakes his head*
Kuro (Demon): *talks in Kuro's voice again* Mahiru...
Mahiru: K-Kuro?
Misono: *smacks forehead* He fell for it again?!
Kuro (Demon): Are they really that important to you?
Mahiru: Of course they are!! They're my friends!!
Kuro (Demon): Watashi yori mo sarani jūyōdesu ka (Even more important than me)?
Mahiru: What?! Of course not!! Anata wa hontōni watashi ni totte tokubetsudesu (You are really special to me), Kuro!!
Kuro (Demon): Really?
Mahiru: Really. I love you, Kuro!!

In Kuro's mind...

Demon: He's lying to you!! You mean NOTHING to him!!
Kuro: Shut up!! That's not true!!
Demon: You saw it yourself, Sleepy Ash. He protected your ENEMY from YOU!!
Kuro: *defends Mahiru* He protected his FRIEND because that's just how he is!!
Demon: You'll regret going back to the real world 😠!!
Kuro: No, I won't. Mahiru may be a pain but he's the best thing that's ever happened to me!! *takes back control of his mind*

Back in the real world...

Kuro: *tears fall*
Tetsu: The demon's crying?
Hyde: 😀 It's nii san!! He's back!!
Misono: How do you know for sure?
Lily: That's definitely nii san... I can sense his presence again!!
Kuro: Watashi wa modottekita (I'm back), Mahiru...
Mahiru: Okaerinasai (Welcome back), Kuro!!
Hyde: Nii san!! *jumps onto Kuro's back*
Kuro: Get off me, Lawless 😩!! You're heavy!!
Hyde: *embarassed* I-I am not!!
Kuro: *looks at Sakuya*
Sakuya: 😨 Don't hurt me!! I'm sorry!!
Kuro: *holds out his hand* Are you... okay?
Everyone: Huh 😲😲?!
Hyde: Who are you and where's my nii san?
Sakuya: *shocked but grabs Kuro's hand* Y-yeah...
Mahiru: Kuro, you're being nice to Sakuya?
Kuro: *embarassed* N-no!! I'm just... I mean he's your friend so...
Mahiru: You're not mad at him anymore, Kuro?
Kuro: I am but... *stops talking and looks away*
Tetsu: What is it, Kuro?
Kuro: It's nothing...
Mikuni: *trying to lighten the mood* How about we play one last round of truth or dare?
Everyone: I guess...
Mahiru: Kuro, truth or dare?
Kuro: ...truth
Mahiru: The last time I went into your mind, the demon said that it was a part of you.
Kuro: ...It is
Mahiru: The anger that it had towards Sakuya, were those actually YOUR feelings?
Kuro: I don't want to talk about it, Mahiru... It's such a pain...
Mahiru: It was, wasn't it?
Kuro: *ignores Mahiru* Lawless, you told them, didn't you?
Misono: *to Mahiru* He changed the subject so I'm guessing that's a yes, Shirota
Mahiru: 😧 Guess we'll never really know...
Kuro: *to Hyde* Well, did you or did you not?
Hyde: I did. I'm sorry, nii san 😔...
Kuro: Watashi wa okotte inai (I'm not mad or anything), H-Hyde...
Hyde: You're not? How come? *slightly shocked that Kuro called him "Hyde")
Kuro: Mendokusē 😩... I knew the others would make you talk about it, especially Mahiru.
Hyde: Nii san, I'm sorry
Kuro: Why? I just said I wasn't mad.
Hyde: It's not about that. I...
Licht: Hyde?

The two brothers decide to speak in Japanese

Hyde: Watashi ga oboete iru kagiri, watashi wa anata ni yoi kyōdaidatta (For as long as I can remember, I've been anything but a good brother to you).
Kuro: Sore wa shinjitsude wanai, Haido (That's not true, Hyde)
Tsubaki: Um... why are you guys only speaking in Japanese?
Hyde: *ignores Tsubaki and continues* Sonohi, watashi wa anata ni ofēria no shi kara watashi no ikari no subete o sosoida, soshite ima demo watashi wa mada sore o okonau tame ni shazai shite inai (That day, I poured out all of my anger from Ophelia's death on you and even now I still haven't apologized for doing that).
Kuro: *got tired of speaking in Japanese* Mendokusē 😩... Hyde, you were just having trouble accepting her death. You needed to vent...
Hyde: But I...
Licht: Hyde, come here!!
Hyde: *walks over to Licht* What is it, Lichtan?
Licht: *slaps him*
Hyde: Oww!! What was that for?!
Licht: There's no point in thinking about the past, shit rat... What's important is how you are now!!
Kuro: The baiorensu tenshi is right, little brother... You've changed for the better, and that's all I care about!!
Hyde: How are you able to let it all go?
Kuro: Sore wa meihakude wa arimasen ka? Anata wa watashi no otōtodesukara (Isn't it obvious? Because you're my little brother)!! Siblings always forgive eachother...
Hyde: 😢 Nii san...
Kuro: Oi, don't start crying now!! Mendokusē... *smiles*
Mahiru: Did you just smile, Kuro?
Kuro: *embarassed* N-No I didn't!!

An hour later...

Mahiru: So... this game was a bad idea...
Everyone: Yep.
Misono: Let's never to play truth or dare again...
Everyone: Agreed

From that day on, they never mentioned or talked about their game of truth or dare for as long as they lived...

*Sorry if this sucked. I've been trying to think of a good ending for this story

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