Lily: Dare

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This dare was suggested by MadDemonheart... Thx again for the help!! (Tetsu and Hugh are not present)

At Misono's house...

Tsubaki: So...Mahiru, when can you go back to your place?
Mahiru: They haven't started yet... I um... forgot to call...
Kuro: *smacks forehead* Are you serious?
Licht: You should call them now. You shouldn't stay at Tetsu's place for too long, you know?
Mahiru: Yeah, you're right. *dials number and talks on the phone*
Misono: *yelling in background*
Sakuya: What's with the chibi?
Tsubaki: Beats me...but I don't really care
Lily: Sorry for the commotion, everyone!! Misono was just mad at me about something...
Licht: Did you strip again, perv?
Misono: Lily was spying on me during my date with Tetsu and ruined everything!! Tetsu got so nervous and bailed!!
Mikuni: Poor Misono!! *holds arms out* Need a hug?
Misono: Drop dead!
Mikuni: How mean of you, lil bro!!
Mahiru: *puts phone down* Well... I called them....
Licht: And? What'd they say?
Mahiru: They won't be able to start until next week...
Everyone: What?!
Misono: All those bastards got to do is patch up holes!! Why do you have to wait a week for them to do such a simple thing?!
Mahiru: They're on...vacation...
Kuro: Seriously? Mendokusē 😩
Hyde: Um... so are we gonna talk about this all day or...finish our game of truth or dare?
Mahiru: Right...It's Lily's turn, right?
Misono: Yea, since Hugh's not here
Licht: Truth or dare, stripping perv?
Lily: *ignoring comment* Dare
Hyde: I dare you not to smoke or strip for the entire day!
Kuro: Lily's not gonna be able to handle that though. Stripping is like breathing to him
Lily: No smoking? I can't do that...
Misono: Hold up! You're able to give up stripping but not smoking?! Who the hell are you and where's Lily?!
Mahiru: Why can't you give up smoking, Lily?
Lily: I want to but...
Misono: But what?
Lily: It's too late. I'm addicted...I can't stop no matter what I do!!
Sakuya: So you're only able to give up stripping because Misono stops you from doing so?
Lily: I guess you can put it that way...
Mahiru: Maybe if Misono stops you from smoking the same way he keeps you from smoking then...
Licht: Then the perv can quit smoking, at least for today
Misono: Okay. I need a book, not too heavy though...
Kuro: *hands him a comic* This good enough?
Misono: Yeah. *to Lily* You ready?
Lily: *nods*
Hyde: The dare starts... Now!!

A few hours later...

Mahiru: You okay, Lily?
Lily: Yea, I guess so... *puts hand in pocket*
Misono: *notices this and slaps him with the comic* Don't even think about it, Lily!!
Jeje: He's doing pretty well... *pulls out cigarette*
Lily: *looks at cigarette and starts to sweat*
Mikuni: You're a smoker, Jeje?
Jeje: ...Not really...I just happened to carry one today
Mahiru: Lily's struggling
Hyde: Lily, you can smoke now...
Tsubaki: What? The day's not even over yet though, gōyoku nii san!!
Hyde: He's at his limit already though!!
Tsubaki: So? He...
Licht: *kicks them both* You're too noisy!!
Hyde: That hurt!!
Tsubaki: Kick me again and I'll kill you 😡!!
Licht: It'll be me killing you first, demon!!
Mahiru: *separates them* Stop it you guys!!
Licht+Tsubaki: *glare at Mahiru and push him away* Stay out of this!!
Kuro: *angry* Don't you dare push Mahiru!!
*A fight ensues and Lily steps out and lights a cigarette*

Servamp Truth or DareDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora