"Khushi, Maa committed suicide because she got raped..." he said, tears stinging his eyes.

Khushi froze hearing that. Her Ratna Maa committed suicide?! And she was r-raped? She'd always wondered why she'd disappeared all of a sudden but never did she think that the answer would be so horrible.

"And the reason she got raped was none other than my father Khushi. He handed her over on a platter to those monsters," Arnav said, his tears now freely running down cheeks from the feeling of pain, betrayal and hurt.

Khushi immediately turned back around and threw herself into Arnav's arms, crying hearing the cruel reality.

Arnav held onto her for the life of him, breaking down completely remembering the painful cries of his mother as they'd ripped her apart. How helpless he'd been as a kid... unable to stop those monsters... his dad...

They didn't know how long they held onto each other as they both cried – maybe minutes, maybe hours... All they knew was that the other was their only support and they both held onto their support with all their might, letting their pain out.

When both of their cries had quietened down a little, Arnav started speaking.

"Maa and my father came from a small village. They were one of the few people who had actually gone to school and later onto college and university." Khushi kept hugging Arnav as she listened.

"Somewhere along the line, they both fell in love with each other. But their parents didn't accept their love. So they ran away to the city. Dad had his degree and managed to find a decent job there. Soon he managed to start up his own business with the help of a few friends he'd made. Everything had been going good up until then, but once the fame kicked in, things started going downhill at home. He made friends with the wrong people, who brainwashed him and used him for their purposes. They were all around him for his money, but listening to them, he would fight with Maa, accuse her of cheating on him, he started drinking alcohol, and he just wouldn't listen to Maa for anything."

"His own stupidity led to his downfall. He lost his business – the very people who he listened to and considered his friends, cheated him and took everything off him. When we were left penniless, no one came to our help Khushi. No one."

"My father had turned cruel Khushi, but Maa always loved him. Through thick and thin. Even when he'd lost everything, she still stood by his side, trying to support him."

"All of a sudden, one day he came home saying that he'd gone back to the village they'd come from... And that the people there were willing to help them out. For that they would have to visit the village and stay there for a few days. Maa was so happy Khushi – not only because he found a job but also because she would get to see all her people there... She was sad that she wouldn't be able to meet you at the temple for a few days – she was worried for you. But she thought it was only going to be 2/3 days. Throughout the whole journey, she was talking so happily about their old memories there. Even dad seemed happy and was joining in, telling me about his memories. I didn't know then that that would be the last time I would see Maa smiling."

"We should have known something was off when the car stopped at the outskirts of the village, rather than the centre of the village where all their families lived. The area was deserted, and dad led us inside the only house situated there. When we went inside, the living room was empty, but then we heard people talking from one of the bedrooms. Dad went towards the room, with us following behind. When he knocked on the door, a man opened the door and behind him there were about 15 men in there Khushi." Arnav couldn't speak with the lump in his throat.

Khushi tightened her arms around him, not sure whether she was trying to give him strength or whether she was trying to gather strength for herself.

My Imperfect Mr Perfect (Arshi FF)  - Complete ✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora