Chapter Three

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Ben, Ella and Matty promise to come back for Easter Sunday. It's in two days and Harry is dying. He's in his bed, wondering when Zayn was coming back. The heater in his room is fixed and he's grateful for that. There's music playing on his speaker and he doesn't want to get up. The art room has been vacant for three days and he misses seeing Zayn there.

Some days when Harry would come home from the Uni, he would see Zayn drawing there. Peacefully like he was meant to do this. Harry would just watch him silently while 'Adore You' would be playing on the speakers. He realized that he shouldn't be doing that.

'You know,' Jesse had once said to him during lunch. 'The best way to start a relationship... be good at sex. And you like the guy with the great arse, don't you?'

'I didn't even notice that.' Harry had muttered. 'I just liked his face. And his humour.'

'Oh my, look at my innocent virgin.' Jesse scoffed. 'Be good at sex, yeah? Learn it from the older ones. Go fuck a hooker—or get fucked by one if you like. Or, or, if you want the money saving method, just go and fuck a milf tired of her life. Then you'll understand the basics, that's all it takes to establish a great long lasting relationship with the ones here. I tell you that.'

'That's stupid.'

'No, angel. You need to please the person, yeah? Seduction is all that it gets to the need. Louis is an older guy; he probably has experience. Or maybe just ignore my advice and play the innocent girl. Maybe guys like that.' Jesse had suggested with a grin. Harry didn't think too much about it and continued with the 'friendship' that he had with Louis.

When they shifted here, Harry falling on top of Zayn wasn't intentional. It was just Zayn's reaction that had amused him. He knew that he wanted—he wanted it. He wanted Zayn to use him, he wanted it all. He won't admit it, Zayn Malik, his hot neighbour with a great smile wanted him too, and Harry wanted to make a deal with Zayn, keep it all nonchalant. Then maybe find a guy or girl from his classes.

There were some great looking people there, but he would find himself thinking about Zayn at night. Not the girl who asked him how he got his hair to stay like that, or the guy who once said that he had great dimples. He thinks about Zayn, the Zayn who lies with Perrie and talks about marrying her someday.

He might have fucked it all up when he took Jesse's advice.

Perrie doesn't want to celebrate Easter with her family this year.

"Let's ask our neighbours what they're doing." That's the first thing she says when they reach home from the trip to Zayn's parents. "What?" Zayn finds himself asking.

"Yeah. It's their first one here, let's make it nice. Ask them what they're doing and all that." Perrie's back to her cheerful self. He doesn't try to oppose that idea, but there's a certain tension when he realizes what had happened the last time he had seen the boy.

He doesn't even remember why—why he kissed Harry. He just looked amazing in the moment and Zayn just went for it. So he closes his eyes for a moment and repeats the words.

'This is fine. You're just stressed, once you figure out with the engagement you'll stop all of this.'

"So," She starts off when he's browsing through the television. "I called Gemma and asked her what she was doing. Turns out, they were planning on having this happy Easter Sunday with a couple of their cousins and her boyfriend, and she would love if we could join them. They're going to have an Easter hunt and the one who wins gets a blueberry cream pie and lots of love. I want a blueberry cream pie."

Just Like An Avalanche [Zarry AU]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon