Chapter 2-TBNRfrags

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  Preston walked into a desert after he got better. Although his skin was still dripping with lava, he felt a lot better. The sun dipped below the horizon. Although he still had his enchanted-diamond sword, he was scared.

  Preston quickly built a small sky-base and though of what to do. He still had 27 levels, so he decided to make a Power V bow and, if possible, Flame I and Infinity I. Preston quickly placed down a crafting table and crafted himself 4 bows. He enchanted them all with Power I and combined them to make a Power III bow. Then he combined his bow with the new Power III bow and got Power IV.

  He did not know what to do now. He only have 5 more pieces of string so he made himself 1 more bow and enchanted it with a YOLO lvl. 8 enchantment. Preston got lucky, he got Infinity I and Punch I. He combined it with his bow.

  He now have a Power V, Punch I and Infinity I bow. He smiled. things were starting to look good. He now needed a new identity.

  As Preston drifted off to sleep, he thought of a new name: TBNRfrags, for The Best Never Rest, fragments.



i know this chapter was kinda short, and doesn't make sense, but I don't know what else to write!

Anyways, if you did vote this book, THANKS A LOT!

I was actually kinda upset that when I turned on Wattpad that no one read this book yet, but it's fine. I'M SURE SOMEONE WILL READ IT SOMEDAY(I hope...)

Anyways, remember to:


Stay awesome Guys :p

4-Ever (A TBNRfrags Fan-Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon