(Not) Alone ~ 5SOS

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1) This is short and probably really boring, I'm sorry :(

2) This one shot is kinda... depressing.

3) I love you guys. If you're struggling with anything, please message me on here.

And remember, you are amazing.

Enjoy this one shot, you beautiful people xx

Numb by Linkin Park was blasting in his ears as he got off the bus. Rain was pouring down. People passed him with umbrellas or were laughing with each other. They didn't care about getting drenched, they didn't care about the depressing atmosphere. He envied that. He wanted to laugh like they did, like there wasn't a single problem in his life. Or in this world.

But he just averted his eyes back to his feet, watching his black All Stars become wet. Occasionally, he looked up to make sure he wouldn't run into someone or get run over by a car. Knowing how reckless the drivers can be in his city, he made sure to stop every time before crossing the street.

Slowly, the building he dreaded to enter came into view and he sighed. He really didn't want to be there today. He never wanted to go to that place, but today the feeling was just worse. When his mother woke him up, all he wanted to do was to turn around and try to fall asleep again. Unfortunately, he couldn't.

Turning his iPod off and showing the teacher at the school gate his student card, he put it away again and made his way to the cafeteria. It was always the first place he went to in the morning: people he knew - but didn't like – were there. You may wonder why he'd go sit with them if he didn't like them? Well, he didn't want to feel even more lonely than he already did.

"You know, exams are in three weeks," one guy he didn't know the name off said. Immediately, the guy's friends groaned and told him to shut up. Luke's blue eyes widened.

Three weeks? What the fuck?

Luke quietly sighed and got his backpack when one of the teachers yelled for them to get out. That's how it always went: pupils would arrive and hide from the horrible weather and the cold outside, but at ten past eight, someone would yell "Everyone, go outside!" .

The people he was sitting with walked passed him, like he was some ghost. His dull eyes shifted back to the ground and he went outside. The rain had stopped thankfully, but there was still a cold wind.

People he knew were standing at his usual spot and he smiled. They were his friends. Not best friends or close friends. Just friends. He could smile and laugh with them, but that was it. He would never talk to them about one of his problems or about how fucked up his head was.

Minutes before the bell rang, the three people he always hung out with arrived and he smiled, glad to see them. It were two girls, Leila and Caitlyn, and one guy, George. He was the closest with George, at least he thought he was. They sat together in the same class for two years, but then they changed classes and George met Leila and Caitlyn.

Don't get him wrong, he liked the two girls! They were nice, funny, sweet, but deep down he felt like he lost George because of them. And Luke knew how selfish he sounded by saying that, but he couldn't help it. He was happy George had more friends than just Luke and it wasn't like he could control who the blonde guy was friends with.

The trio arrived where Luke was while laughing and Luke was confused. "What's so funny?" He asked. "It's nothing," George said, still giggling a bit. Luke frowned, but dropped it. He couldn't help but think they were laughing at him and it made him uncomfortable.

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