Ch.6» Hello Again~

Depuis le début

I leap of over the motion sensor and jump at a certain balcony.

' They should really max up the security here, but seems like it's tall enough to secure the place. Except for me! '

I hide behind the walls and peeked through the window , which . . . .is covered by a curtain.

I sigh and slouch down at one of the double doors.

The door then opens , making me my back fall off and land on the floor.

I groan while closing my eyes and touching my head.

" Chat? What are you doing here? " I open my eyes and saw (Y/n) with a concern and confuse expression.

" Could've you ask me if I was okay first? " I groan again.

" Sorry " She apologise. She then kneel and sit down on the floor, not caring if her pajamas gets dirty.

" Are you okay? "

" I'm fine " I stand up.

" What's with the visit? "

" Well I got nothing to do- " I got cut off by a beeping noise.

'Why now? Why now?! Oh wait. . . Me and (Y/n) are going to hang tomorrow. Never mind '

" Chat?You okay? "

" I'm fine. I just need to go "

" That soon? "

I nod my head.

" Yeah "

' I need to hurry up! '

" awww " She pouts.

" I'll be back " I say.

I peck her check and left, leaving a blushing (Y/n) alone.

I then hide to where no one can see me and de-transform.

" You like her, don't you? " Plagg smirk with his little mouth .

" Shut up "

-- (Y/n)'s POV --

" What the Heck? " I mumble. " A Random Stranger just kissed my cheek! "

Knock, knock

I went back inside my room and close the doors and the curtains. I then open the door,revealing Nash.

" What are you doing here? " I ask,squinting my eyes.

" I heard you talking to someone. So I decided to come here to check what's going on."

I try my eyes not widened, so I look at the side. "Why would I talk to someone? No one is even here except me "

" So your talking to yourself? " he raise his eyebrows.

" No. . . Don't even think that I'm crazy " I raise my point finger.

" How'd you know? "

I roll my eyes and cross my arms. " Can you leave? It's late "

He yawns " Fine.But I don't want to hear you talking to no one " he walks away with his head leaning in his hands.

" Goodnight! " I wave. I close the door and lean on it. " That was close "

« Time Skip »

I ran downstairs and brush myself off.

" Woah, woah, woah. Why are you so dress up? " Nash say, stopping and look at me.

" Well, uh " I rub my neck sheepishly.

I'am not one of the girls that likes dresses and heels or all those girly things, considering I'm a model; I still tend to prefer jeans or like that and NO! I repeat NO! Short shorts. Ironic I know. I just like those long shorts ( that sounded weird ) or something like that.

Nash rose his eyebrow ( He really likes doing that ) "  Well? "

I sigh " Me and Adrien are going to hangout "

" So it's a date? "

" No "

" With flowers? "

" No "

" And a ring? "

" What part of 'hangout' you don't understand? " I face-Palm.

He chuckles. " I'm just teasing ya, sis "

I roll my eyes " How about you? You don't want to hangout with your friends? Or Marinette? " I wiggle my eyebrows.

" I'm tired "

" I shouldn't have ask "

" So what time are you two leaving? "

" Probably late— "

" Sorry to interrupt you , Miss.(L/n). But someone is finding you at the gates " Our butler bow and left.

" Good luck on your date " Nash tease and wave while walking off.

" ITS A HANGOUT! " I spat and stomp my way to the gates. The guards open it and I went outside.

" Morning " I greet.

" Morning (L/n) " Adrien pat my head.

" Hey! " I pout.


I'm actually watching Haikyuu right now. And it's just the best. If you don't know I actually love sport animes and its on my profile.




Inazuma Eleven

I'll shut up now...

♦♥~ Unicorn Queen💖

✔️My Purr-Fect Key ⇝ Adrien/Chat Noir x Reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant