Episode 10

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Chapter 28

Not much was said between Rev. Nichols, his wife and Paul as they listened to the local news channel for any clue as to Grant Lee’s whereabouts. Officer Campello called to inform them that they had a search party out looking for Grant Lee.

Natalie’s mind was filled with guilt. If I had not been so hard on Cassandra this probably would not have happened. If I had not taken out my guilt, my hurt, my anger, my disappointment, my failure on Cassandra this would not have taken place. Cassandra’s right. Because of what took place between me and Derek Johnson years ago, I stereotyped Grant.

“Are you alright, Mrs. Nichols?” Paul asked.

“Yes, Paul. Thank you for asking,” Natalie said. “Grant Lee’s my only grandchild and I love him so much.”

“I promise you I’ll take good care of Cassandra and Grant Lee once we get married. He’s like a son to me.”

“I know you will, Paul. You’ve already proven that,” Natalie said with a forced smile.

“Honey, why don’t you go check on Cassandra. She’s been up in her room for a while,” Rev. Nichols said to his wife.

Natalie found Cassandra asleep in Grant Lee’s bed with one of the letters in her hand. Her face was stained with tears. Natalie opened one of the letters and read:

Dearest Cassandra,

I trust that you and Grant Lee and the family are doing well. Things are going well here in Miami. I truly wish you both were here with me. As I expressed to your parents before I left, it is my desire to marry you so that we can truly live as a family and so that I can take care of Grant Lee. Some of the letters I sent you have been returned. Please let me know what’s going on. Christmas is going to be a little dark without you around. I love you both.

Grant B

Natalie took a deep breath as she refolded the letter and placed it back in its envelope.Derek Johnson never did anything like this and would never have done anything like this, a jealous voice said from deep within her. Natalie glanced at Cassandra’s finger; she was still wearing the commitment ring Grant had given her as well as the necklace. Instead of the locket, the cross with the diamond in its center was hanging from the necklace. Natalie smiled. She had never doubted Cassandra and Grant’s love for each other. How she wished Derek Johnson had returned her love for him.

Cassandra stirred as Natalie pulled the clothes out of one of the boxes examined them.What harm would it have done if I had let Grant Lee have these clothes? None at all. As she refolded each piece of clothing and set it neatly in the box, Cassandra opened her eyes.

“Mom, has Grant Lee returned yet?”

“No, not yet,” Natalie said. “These are fine clothes. Grant has good taste.”

Cassandra’s eyes opened wide. Those were the first kind words she had heard from her mother about Grant, and she felt they came from her heart.

“Cassandra, you’re right. I was prejudiced towards Grant. Could you please forgive me? You know,” Natalie continued, “it’s amazing how God allows you to re-live some of your own life experiences through your children to help you sort through things in your life and to help you face your own failures.”

Cassandra sat up with a puzzled look on her face.

Natalie spent the next hour sharing with Cassandra her past relations with Derek Johnson. “Cassandra, up until this day, I am still hurting over it, but I took it out on you and Grant Barnett, and that was not right. I did not want you to end up getting hurt as I did. I’d do anything to fix it right now. I don’t see how you can ever forgive me for standing in the way of your happiness for fourteen years.”

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