Miracles Exist

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     He woke up on a pile of rocks, with no idea where he was. Everything was a blur.
     Memories flashed in his mind, memories of what happened.
     Rocks were piled on top of him.
Am I dead? he thought to himself.
     Suddenly, light filled his vision. He began to believe that he wasn't dead, mainly because of the intense pain he felt.
The light, he thought. I must be dying.
     Suddenly, he heard a voice. It seemed familiar, but he wasn't sure. It was a deep, male voice, a distressed voice, as if something had happened.
     He couldn't seem to recognize it though.
     Was that what the voice was saying? Damian?
     "Damian! Damian!"
     That was it.
     He tried to speak, tried so hard to get something out, but nothing came. He had never felt so much pain. Not ever.
     At least, that's what he thought.
     He spoke, trying so hard to get someone to hear, but nothing came.
     After trying for what felt like hours of trying to stay awake, he passed out.
     He was sure he'd die.
     Especially since he didn't see a light.
     Nobody would find him.

     It was everything they could do to hold Batman back.
     "Damian! Damian!"
     He kept hollering, trying to get free, trying to run to Trigon, tried to do something, anything, to get his only son back.
     "Bruce, stop!" Barry said, trying to get him to stop. "Your going to get yourself killed!"
     Finally, he stopped.
     He sighed, taking off his cowl and setting it next to him, saying, "Your right. I can't get him back."
     Then, he slowly rose to his feet. "I'm still looking for his body, though."
     He walked over to the pile of rocks, what used to be Titan's Tower, and began digging.
     The other Titans were there, quickly moving the rocks away, hoping for some chance of Damian's  survival, or at least hope to find his body.
     But they found nothing.
Until a certain green gorilla turned over a rock and found a green mask.
"Over here!" Garfield yelled, trying to get Batman's attention. "Batman, I found something.
Bruce was over there faster than expected.
He grabbed the mask, holding it in his hands, a permanent reminder of his failure as a father.
Suddenly, he heard Raven hollering.
"Bruce!" She yelled. "I think I found him!"
He hurried over towards her, barely seeing the tears on her face.
When he saw what she found, it took all of his willpower not to cry more than he was.
It was him.
She had uncovered his chest, which was a bloody mess. However, the "R" was still visible through the blood and torn cloth.
He put his ear to Damian's chest, looking for a heartbeat.
He pulled away, tears streaming down his face. He looked at Raven, who, not surprisingly, was crying as well.
Bruce decided to pull the rest of the rocks away, revealing Damian's dead body. His dead, beaten, bloody body.
He couldn't believe it.
He had taken care of that boy for two years, fought along side him for two years. And now...now he was gone.
No more, Bruce thought. No more Robins.

A light. A light so bright, so blinding.
Damian woke, at least he thought he did, in a white place. A place bright with light, somehow not bothering him.
"Hello?" he asked, seeing nobody. "Is anybody there? Where am I? What happened?"
Until something did happen. Everything went black, and Damian suddenly felt like he was falling.
I'm dead, I know it.
He finally knew what happened. He remembered it all.
Trigon. His father. Raven. The crystal. The Tower.
"No!" he shouted, as if someone could hear. "I'm not leaving him! I'm not ready to go!"
Then, the white came back, the light came back, as if responding to Damian's reaction.
For the first time in his life, or afterlife, whichever, Damian Wayne was scared.
He heard it, he knew he did. It was very faint and quiet, but he knew it was there.
Next thing he knew, he was in tears. He didn't want to leave his father behind.
He heard another voice, but this one sounded like it was closer.
Then, he saw an old man. A man he didn't recognize.
He was dressed in a white cloak, not much hair at all on him. His face was wrinkled, and Damian reached for his sword—only it wasn't there.
That was when he realized he wasn't even in his suit. He was wearing his normal outfit, blue jeans and a black shirt—the only thing there that wasn't white.
"Do not be alarmed, Damian." the man said. He seemed calm.
Maybe he's not a threat, Damian thought.
"You can go back, child. Your body is still capable of sustaining life. Barely, but it can."
"Wait," Damian said. "I can go back? You mean you can choose?"
The man nodded. "Yes, Damian, you can. But think carefu—"
"I'm going back!"
The man tried to speak up, but Robin interrupted.
"I'm going back to my father," he said, "and nothing you say can change my mind, old man."
The man nodded. "Very well. I will send you back."
Suddenly, Damian was surrounded by a bright light.
Then, everything went dark.

Finally, the tears stopped. It was still hard to believe that Damian was gone.
Bruce had laid his head back on Robin's chest, though he knew he would get nothing. He still wouldn't accept it. He hugged Damian's lifeless body.
Until he got something.
He raised his head up, not sure if he actually heard it.
Raven didn't even have to ask.
"Bruce," she said. "I'm sensing life! He's alive!"
As she said that, Damian's body began to twitch slightly. Then a cough. Then movement.
He tried to sit up, but found that he was too weak.
It took all his willpower not to grab his son, knowing that that would be extremely painful for him.
Damian held out his hand towards Raven. It was closed, so she was confused.
When he opens his hand, he revealed the crystal.
"Damian..." Raven tried to say. But instead of finishing, she just slowly grabbed it from his hand.
Damian was now able to sit up and stay that way, and when he found that out, he flung his arms around Bruce.
"Damian," he said. "You need to rest. Your body can't take much more."
Robin nodded, then turned to Raven.
She was smiling, though there was a tear rolling down her cheek.
Without being noticed the others had come over. Damian tried not to fall asleep, but he couldn't help it.
What a day.

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