My arms we completely bruised in every way possible. I had handprints on both my biceps and the underside of my forearms had multiple bruised forming from when I was shielding my face from any further damage.

I pulled up my shirt to look at my stomach. I don’t even know why I was surprised at the damage it took. All around my ribs were bruised but nothing was broken, thank god. My lower left side was one giant bruise since that’s where he had kicked me repeatedly.

I slowly walked to the other side of my room, pain filling my every step, as I got to my bathroom. Jessica had helped me paint it green since it was my favorite color for a few years. I grabbed a face cloth from top drawer to my right and soaked it in hot water in my sink. I then slowly brought the hot cloth to my face. The pain of the hot water on my beaten face made me tear up.

I washed all the smeared blood and tried to fix up the minors cuts that covered my face. I also got our some Polysporin for the larger cut above my right eyebrow. Once the blood was gone, all I had left was the cuts themselves and the black eye that had now turned more blue than purple.

I looked myself up and down before I went back into my room. I turned my body so that my back was facing the bed, then I fell backwards into the welcoming pillows and quilts. It was so much more comfortable than sleeping in the woods or in the alley, but even though it was more comfortable, I would rather be in the cold alleyway with Jessica.

I fell asleep moments after I laid down in my bed. But I didn’t sleep for long. Maybe two hours, at the most.

My Uncle storms into my room, but that wasn’t what woke me up. The cause was him chucking a disposable cell phone at my already bruise face.

“Ow!” I cried as I cradled my cheek, glaring at my uncle at the same time.

“Call your sister.” He demanded

“I can’t,” I lied, “she doesn’t have her phone with her.”

“Don’t you dare lie to me! The police tracked you when you called Mariah.” He was getting angrier by the second.

“ Okay, okay, but what do I say?” I picked the phone up off the pillow and begin to dial her number with shaking hands when my uncle replies.

“Tell her that you have escaped and that you want to meet back up.” He had a smirk on his face that wasn’t all too pleasant. He had something planned and I hoped that Jessica was smart enough not to fall for it. Unfortunately, she did.

Jessica’s POV

I just sat in the alley the whole day. I didn’t need to go anywhere anytime soon nor did I want to go anywhere. I would just lie in the far corner of my alley for the rest of my days. I was completely miserable without Melissa.

As I was about to go back to sleep for, what would be my fourth time today, my phone started ringing. Ringing? Who would be calling me, I thought as I pulled my cell from my pocket. It was and unknown number and I hesitated before I answered.

“Hello?” I said quietly, not wanting anyone to hear me.

A familiar voice replied, “Jessica? Oh my goodness, thank god! I escaped! I’m in the woods right now. Where are you?”

I stared at the wall, mouth open. “Melissa? Oh my god! Are you okay? What hap-“ she cut me off

“I don’t have much time before Uncle George realizes that I escaped. Meet me at the alley that we spent our first night in. I’ll be there at eight!” I didn’t want her to hang up.

“Melissa, wait! How did you-“ the line goes dead. I just sat there, completely shocked. It took me a few minutes to realize what this had meant. She was coming back. My baby sister was okay!

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