Chapter 6

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 Just as I was about to question the captain about our course back home, a smaller object a bit farther than Neptune caught my eye. Curious, I stayed focused on it. I was so taken by this object, I had yet to acknowledge that the ship had, though we flew closer to the object, yet to turn around. The captain must have seen it too because the ship started flying towards it. I still couldn't figure out what it was. Soon I discovered it wasn't just an object.

"Wait... is that... Pluto?!" I said in amazement, awe, shock and realization.

"That it is," the captain replied.

It was like the size of our moon, maybe even smaller. Did we really stop considering it a planet just because of how small it was? was there a possibility it could be a moon of Neptune? I sat asking myself these questions and more, as the sight of the planet brought me deeper and deeper into thought.

Almost as soon as we headed towards the planet, we were flying away from it, beginning our course back to Earth.

The time traveling between planets was seemingly slow, and lonely. Looking through the porthole all I could see was an endless abyss of pure black, meteors, and the stars shining in the distance. It was a truly beautiful sight, but I wasn't very intrigued by it. All I could think about was home and how much I missed my Family and the feeling of being home.

While staring blankly off into space, I felt my eyes turn heavy and my body go limp. Unknowingly and unwillingly I allowed my body to be overtaken by sleep.

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