Chapter 3

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"Dehlilah Evans?" One of the men asked sternly.

"Ye-- Tha--" I cleared my throat. "Yes, I am she," I said, trying to sound confident and unafraid.

The men looked at one another and nodded.

"You are coming with us," the other man said as he stepped towards me.

In that same moment I naturally began moving back quickly and fearfully from the door. He grabbed hold of my wrist,

"Ma'am, please don't make this more complicated than it needs to be," the man said as he pulled me toward him with what seemed like very minimal effort. The other man grabbed hold of the other half of me as they carried me out of my house, down my steps and into a black Suburban. Paralyzed in fear, I didn't move, I didn't scream, I did not resist at all.

Jake! Jake help! JAKE! SAVE ME! I mentally screamed as they placed me into the Suburban.

One of the men sat next to me as the other placed a blindfold over my eyes, tied my hands and feet with a thick rope, and placed duct tape over my mouth.

Am I going to die!? Fear began coursing through my veins.

My anxiety took over and helped my mind to create different scenarios of my death.

The Suburban was put into drive and we began moving, slowly. We stayed at this slow pace for a while, but after what felt like hours we sped up rather quickly; the sudden rush of acceleration forced my body back into the seat, while I successfully pushed back a scream.

Slowly my body adjusted to the speed, allowing me to sit forward again.

What seemed like minutes later, I was suddenly thrown into the seat in front of me, we had apparently come to a dead stop. As I took in the feeling of having my face smushed up into hard leather, I heard the door to the right of me open.

I was pulled out by two men, one carrying my upper torso and the other carrying my feet.

They carried me a few minutes, walking for most of the time and then up some stairs, but I really couldn't tell you, seeing as I was still blindfolded and tied together.

I was then placed on what felt like a couch. They untied my hands and feet and removed the tape from my mouth, which hurt immensely, but left me blind folded.

Hearing the loud bang of a door shutting then nothing but silence, I realised I was alone. I removed the blindfold. My eyes were a bit sensitive to the light. While squinting I looked around and took in my surroundings. 

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