Chapter 5

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 Earth looks blue but also like someone took and smeared white paint over the blue, causing the colors to mix and become one with the other, like they were meant to be that way.

Almost as soon as I saw it, it had passed, just like all of the other planets we had passed so far. We were not stopping or slowing down from what I could tell.

I wished he would slow down when we come across a planet

Trying to see the bright side of my situation, I sat back in my seat and let the dark abyss called space consume my mind, pulling me into a trance like state.

Something startled me out of the trance I was pulled into. Rather than the dark pitch black with occasional glimmers and orbs, I saw a reddish brown color. This confused me and pulled me back to reality. It's a planet, I thought as I rubbed my eyes in attempt to fix my sight.

" It looks like... Mars! The red planet," I said enthusiastically.

"Look who knows her planets!" the captain said in a sarcastically joyous voice.

That was just rude. I rolled my eyes, staring daggers into his back.

After a short while another planet came into view, it was a really big brownish-tan with some red in the mix colored planet. I stopped for a moment, thinking through which planet it might be, and then it came to me.

Jupiter! It's huge! I thought in amazement while examining the large planet from my seat on the ship. Just the sight of this large planet made me feel adventurous and reminded me of why I loved science and astronomy so much. The time I had to admire it was short but was still greatly treasured.

After traveling a short while longer, my eyes were drawn to a yellowish-brown planet with rings sitting around it,

Saturn. My jaw dropped, and I felt myself moving closer to the window. The rings looked like they could be made up of a bunch of tiny rocks and pebbles of some sort. Admiring Saturn's unique rings and beautiful twists and mixes of colors as it passed by for a brief moment, I thought about just how beautiful life could be.

After a short while, I was once again in awe. I saw a magnificent, slowly turning, bluish-green planet with what looked like very faint rings forming around it.

"Uranus," I mumbled to myself quietly while admiring its mesmerizing blue color.

Taking in as much as I could, I watched as we passed by the beautiful blue planet.

Gazing out of my window, I was once again entranced by the dark abyss we call space, until the trance was disrupted by a large blue planet. Its brilliant blue color gave me no doubt that it was indeed Neptune. Taking in the large planet and all of its stunning features, I found myself thinking about how wonderful life really is, how intriguing and mysterious it really is.

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