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Fair notice to those looking for a read. This isn't smut.

I know, boo-hoo, why the hell is this going up on Wattpad then?

Well, dear's still a story. It's got all the goodies: drama, love, a little bit of outdated references – this takes place between 2016 and 2017, so do with that what you will. Mental health issues, bullying, people who believe in status, people who believe in worth of one's character. A dash of illegal activity and some innocent, albeit troublesome tomfoolery on my part.

You see, it all started wi–

"Yo!" I jumped. "Who the hell are you? What's with this weird little monologue? Why are you speaking all vaguely and preach–? Never mind, just– shut up! I'm trynna get through detention in one piece without being bored to death."

My eyes widened and my nostrils flared. "Who–?" I looked around the room and then back to the classic jock-type boy sat conveniently (inconveniently for him) nearest to me with an unholy glare. "Ex-cuse me?" The blonde did a double take at me. Just as he began to dismiss me with some vulgar jibber-jabber, I raised my voice. "You dare ask me who the huh-yuck I am?" He looked at me weirdly. "How dar– b**ch, who are you!?"

His eyes widened. "...dude, what is your deal–?"

"Everyone o'ya, so feckin' rude, I swear— did your mama drop you on your head?"


"Well, I'm about to, I'll be doin' her a favor! In fact, it might even be a favor to you, because maybe then you'll grow a brain cell and show some manners! Honestly, I was just making conversation, and here you go– 'dumb b**ch, weird-ass psycho, blah bluh–'"

"I...I didn't say that," he muttered, scooting away from me.

Crossing my arms, I gave him a dubious look. "Really? Really? You were thinkin' it, though, weren't ya?"

"...m– maybe—"

"Exactly, you might as well have announced it over the speakers." He stared at me like I had just said I licked the toilets in the school bathroom for fun. "Oh, look, now you're thinkin' it again–"

"What– I wasn't– stop–" He started hyperventilating in alarm. "Get outta my head," he whimpered with a quiver of his lip.

"Not until you apologize, cross your I's and T's, and say my name–"

"God, shut up, Alano," a dark brunette boy in the back spat, glaring over my way with his arms crossed, leaning back in the chair. "You're such an attention whore."

I returned his glower steadily, defiant. "Mind your business, Mark E. Mark. Go fiddle your diddle with your funky bunch." He gave me a similarly weird, yet equally annoyed look and then rolled his eyes at me. I quickly looked back at the blonde. "Say it."

"I-I don't know your name," he muttered.

" don't know?" I repeated, utterly aghast. He looked like he was gonna cry. "You–" I drew in a breath, closing my eyes and collecting myself. "Alright. Alright! Honest mistake, you must be new–"

The Fighter and the Lover: Don't Mess with Loco TexWhere stories live. Discover now