Author's Note

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Swearing, crude humor, violence, mental health, and the alike will be topics in this story. If you are sensitive to any of the above, with subjects such as anxiety, depression, sexual harassment/assault, and so on, this book may not be for you — I will mark chapters at the beginning if especially sensitive scenarios are mentioned, but I figured a warning here would also benefit new readers. None of these topics are meant to offend, nor is anything in this necessarily my own beliefs. Also, some scenarios may not be totally realistic, because after all: this is a story, meant mainly for entertainment.
Otherwise, I do hope y'all enjoy!

To those who have read this previously: thank you so much for your support!

EDIT 2: mostly an update. some major changes have been made in this story – mostly scenes I felt weren't flowing that well, some that didn't make sense, or that i no longer found fit into the story i want to convey in this first part of the series. this is as of November 16th, 2022 — I cannot believe it took me that long :")

now i will be going through to do tiny fixes like with an overuse of words (i have a habit of that) or while dealing with grammar. additionally, i want to move this story and any future writings to another platform. if you have any suggestions, please let me know !
after the smaller edits, i will likely be going back and forth between part 2 and rewriting on part 3.

honestly, it's been such a revitalizing chance in reworking this into a story im happier with, and it's given me ideas to hopefully write the first portion of the third story of this series in a much more interesting and cohesive way.

EDIT 1: Much of the original was altered in some way with revisions, and as of September 18th, 2021, I intend to go through it once again as I am working on the third book of this series to hopefully restructure it more to make sense, pick through for references, as well as make sure everything comes across how I wanted it to in the first place. I will do my best to keep and maintain the essence of the characters and the original events (in other words, to try and not over-revise it), however I also want to make sure things aren't worded strangely and also comply with the Wattpad standard format.

I hope y'all stick around, and I can't wait to finish Bruno's story. <3

— FighterTiger214

The Fighter and the Lover: Don't Mess with Loco TexWhere stories live. Discover now