Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“I still haven’t had any dreams about that girl again,” I said.

“Well, it might not be for a while,” Cora said.  “I don’t even have an idea of who it might be.”

“Do you want me to try and see if I can see her again?” I asked.

“That might help.  You could see if you can get anything more from her,” Charles said.  “But why do you think that she’s from after the dream of when Chicago’s destroyed?”

“Well, I highly doubt that a seventeen year old girl would be dressed like she was ready for a fight lives right now.  She seemed different.  Angry,” I said, remembering her face and the angry tears in her eyes. 

“Try and have the same dream and see what you can find different,” Cora said. 

“Okay,” I said, and closed my eyes.  I felt myself being pulled, and then I opened my eyes again.

I wasn’t in the clearing with the girl.  I was in what looked like a jail cell.  There was only one door with a small little window looking out into a hallway.  Everything was metal, though.  There was a small bed on the far wall with a thin mattress.  

And on it was a girl with dark curly hair.  I couldn’t see her face, though.  She had her back to me and she wasn’t moving.  I could only see the tiny movement as she breathed in and out.  She turned over then, and it seemed like it hurt for her to. 

My eyes widened as I recognized her as the girl from the clearing.  Only it wasn’t the same girl.  Well, it looked like her, but I felt that it wasn’t.  And she didn’t have the scar that would have been across the left side of her face.

She opened her eyes slowly and I saw the same blue.

After everything went black, I was back in the clearing, gasping.  I seemed to startle everyone with my sudden appearance, but that didn’t matter right now.

“What’s wrong?” Remy asked, looking concerned.

“I didn’t see the same girl,” I gasped.

“What do you mean?” Carlee asked.  “I thought you were going to see her again?”

“I didn’t, though,” I said.  “Well, the girl I saw was in like a cell or something.  Like a jail cell, only it was all metal walls.  It wasn’t the same girl, though.  She didn’t have the same scar.  But…she looked exactly like her.”

I heard someone gasp, and then I couldn’t see anything but blackness.  I was in a different clearing then, with only Cora in front of me.  She was looking at me strangely and I didn’t know why.

“What’s wrong?  Where is everyone?” I asked.

“You said that you had dreams, one about a girl in a clearing and one alone in a cell, and they looked exactly alike,” she said.

“Yeah,” I said, confused.  “Only the girl in the clearing had a scar going across the left side of her face.  The girl in the cell didn’t have one.”

“I think I know why you’re having dreams about them,” she said.

“Well, I really wouldn’t call it dreams,” I said, but then I registered what she said.  “Wait, what?”

“I think I know why you’re dreaming about them,” Cora said.  “You know how I told you I started having dreams about that jet crash that you and Remy were going to be in, only it was years before you two were even born?”

“Wait,” I said, realizing what she was saying.  “You think that I’m having dreams about…my great-granddaughters, like you did?”

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