Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“You’re coming Friday,” I said to Rebecca later when we got into the Escalade after school.

Rebecca sat with us in English.  I actually liked having her around.  Will and Remy seemed to open up more around her after I told them what I thought she could do.  And they actually seemed to like having her around, too.  Rebecca didn’t seem as shy around them either.  Although she did once in a while, like when Tyler would try to talk to her.

“I guess I will.  My parents probably wouldn’t mind.  They’d actually be happy that I was going out with friends,” she said, closing her door.  “They’ve been worrying about me a lot lately.”

“Well, hopefully they won’t worry about you that much anymore.  You’ll get everything under control.  I’ll help you,” I said.

“I don’t think that I’m like you.  You know, the whole being able to go into people’s dreams and seeing the future.  And I’m pretty sure I don’t have a twin anywhere,” she said.

“Have you ever tried to go into anyone else’s dreams before?” I asked.

“Well, no.  But I don’t really think people generally think about that when they dream.  Mostly they just dream of things they have on their mind or what they want.  Most dreams only last for ten to twenty minutes; mine just go on and on,” Rebecca said.

“You sound like you’ve done research,” I said, laughing.

“I have a time or two,” she said, shrugging.

“So you haven’t tried it before though?  You at least need to try,” I said.

“I probably will,” she sighed.  “You know where my house is right?”

“Yeah, I do,” I said.

I turned into her neighborhood, and then down her street.  I’d only been there once or twice, but I knew where she lived.  It was one of the nicer houses in the subdivision.  It was two stories and a light beige color with a large front yard.

Rebecca’s mom was in the front, planting some flowers underneath one of the windows.  She looked up when I pulled in the driveway.

“She’ll probably come over and want to meet you.  She’s always like that,” Rebecca said, looking over at her mom, who was brushing off her hands and walking over.  “See what did I tell you?”

I rolled down the window right as Rebecca’s mom walked over.  “Hi,” I said.

“Hello.  You must be Reagan,” she said.

“Yes,” I said as Rebecca opened the door and got out.

“I’m glad Rebecca has a friend like you.  She really hasn’t been feeling good for the past couple of months,” she said.

“Mom, please don’t do this,” Rebecca said, walking around to the other side of the car.

Her mom looked startled, maybe because Rebecca hadn’t looked like her old self in a while.

“Rebecca, you look…”  She couldn’t find any words.

Rebecca pointed at me.  “It was her.  She insisted,” she said.

I smiled.  “It wasn’t anything,” I said, and then remembered.  “Oh, Rebecca, what about Friday?”

“Oh, yeah,” she said, and turned to her mom.  “Everyone’s going to the movies Friday.  Can I go?”

“Of course you can,” her mom said.

“Great,” I said.  “Well, I better get going.  Lots of homework to do.”

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