Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I don’t know why I just didn’t go home after I’d left first period.  Instead I went outside to where the tables were.  But I walked past them, going into the trees. 

I didn’t walk very far though.  About two or three hundred feet from the edge of the trees was a little pond with a creek running to it.  I put my bag down and then sat down, pulling out my iPod from my jacket pocket.

I turned it on and switched it to my favorite song, the one that I’d told Leo about on the plane.

Una ricerca per trovare il mio amore…”

I knew every word by heart, so I sang along with it.  The words cemented into my brain, like they usually did, but this time they took on another meaning.  I didn’t know why, but I felt as though the song was speaking to me and only me, like it was written for me.  And by the last line, I had tears in my eyes, which had never happened before.

“…insieme ci sarà ancora. La ricerca conquistato, che termina nella felicità solo.”

And just as the song changed, I fell asleep.

I didn’t know where I was supposed to be in the dream.  I only knew that I was walking through trees, and then I was walking toward a house. 

But as I got closer, I realized that I’d already seen the house before.  In my drawing in art the day before.  Actually, it was a little different.  Only now it was in my dream, servants running around everywhere.  But as I got closer, they all turned and stared at me. 

I didn’t know who I was looking for, but I knew I was looking for someone.  But then I realized someone else was beside me.  I turned and my eyes widened.

It was Brittany.

But then someone was there in front of us.  It was Nic.  He was looking at Brittany with such love that it made my heart ache, wanting the same thing for myself.

And I didn’t understand why he was looking at her that way, or why he suddenly picked her up and kissed her.

“Where is he?” I heard myself ask.

“It’s been two months,” Nic said.  “He’s gone.”

Walking home later that day about three hours after school let out, I couldn’t help but notice the black Lamborghini drive up beside me.  I had my headphones on, so I didn’t know if Leo said anything to me out the open window.  I just kept walking as he continued to drive right beside me.

Finally I cracked and yanked out my headphones, making my hood fall. 

“What do you want?” I asked angrily.

“I wanted to see if you needed a ride,” he said.

“Well, I don’t,” I said, flipping up my hood again.  “I can see my apartment from here.”

“Yeah, but if you get in, you’ll see it up close that much sooner,” he said.

“I said I don’t want a ride,” I said.  “Now, can you go away?”

“Are you going to Derrick’s party tonight?” he asked.

“As a matter of fact, I am,” I said.  “I told him that I would.”

“And probably the only reason he wants you to come is so that he can try and get lucky with you,” Leo said, sounding angry.  “I can take you if you want…to make sure you’ll be okay.”

The Descendants Series Vol. 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin