Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

“I don’t feel good, and yet I’m hungry at the same time,” I said as we walked toward the cafeteria.  “That’s very weird.”

“Yeah, it is,” Will said, laughing and taking my hand.

“Very weird,” Remy said from in front of us.  She turned around and started walking backward, and managed not to run into anyone.  “How long is morning sickness supposed to last?”

“First trimester,” I said, and only a few people looked at us.

Everyone in the school knew about Will and me now.  They all saw the ring the day after we’d had dinner with everyone.  And once a couple of people heard a part of our conversation at lunch, everyone knew I was pregnant by the last class of the day. 

“And, luckily, I’ll be in my second trimester in two weeks,” I said.

“And, also, it’s the last week of school,” Remy said, laughing.  “The only thing we have to worry about this week is finals.  Then Saturday’s graduation.”

“I can see Mom now, crying her eyes out,” I said, laughing.  “Someone bring the tissues.”

“Our mom’s probably going to be doing the same,” Carlee said from behind us, her hand in Wes’s.  “And she’ll have plenty of tissues.”

“Good,” Remy said, still walking backwards.  She turned then, because we were close to the doors of the cafeteria, and almost ran into a group of girls passing by.

We walked through the doors and into the lunch line.  They were serving spaghetti and it actually looked pretty good, though it wasn’t as good as mine.  We went to the register, paid, and then went to our table. 

“What time is your appointment?” Carlee asked.

“Three,” I said.  “Will and I are leaving at two, so we get to miss most of English.”

“Lucky,” Wes said.  “Don’t we have that report due today?”

“Yep,” I said, smiling.  “I turned mine in yesterday.”

“I did, too,” Will said.

“Well, good for you,” he said.  “Some of us just don’t have the time to write papers.”

“Mr. Nix gave us a week,” I said, laughing.  “It doesn’t take that long.”

“Sure, whatever,” he said, rolling his eyes.

“Anyway…” Remy said.  “When do you find out if it’s a boy or a girl?  Because I need to start shopping.”

“Not for a few more weeks,” I said.  “And do not start getting stuff.  Then it’ll be spoiled before it’s even born.”

“Um, yeah,” Remy said, like I was missing the point.  “That’s what aunts are for.”

“Yeah, okay,” I said.  “Just don’t go crazy and start buying everything in sight, okay?”

“I won’t,” she said.  “I’ll only buy the cute things.  And I’m still hoping for a boy.”

“Me, too,” Wes said. 

“So does everyone think it’s a boy besides me?” I asked.  They all looked at each other, and then all of them nodded, including Will.  “Well, I think it’s a girl.”

“I don’t know,” Rebecca said.  “I’m feeling it’s a boy.  Plus with Will as his dad, he’s sure to be a cutie.”  She smiled at him.

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