Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

“You know, you haven’t really given us a lot of information,” I said.  “Just that what I dreamed last time will come true.  But when will it?”

“It doesn’t happen for a long time.  Fifty-five years from now,” Charles said.  “We’ve tried to find out what causes it, but we can’t find anything.  We’re stuck.”

“Do we know what happens after?” Rebecca asked.  “I mean, something’s got to happen after, right?  But is it going to be a good or bad something?”

“We don’t know,” Cora said.  “That’s another place where we’re stuck.  We can’t get to that.  It’s like something is blocking it.”

“What about the dream that I had a couple of weeks ago and Matt was there?” I asked again.  “Do you think he’d know anything about it?”

“You know we don’t want you going to see him,” Carlee said.  “That’s what you thought last time, that he’d have some information.”

“But wouldn’t he?” I asked.  “I mean, you know what he can do.  He’s got to know something.  And what if my dream of me going to see him comes true?  I say we give it a try and see if he knows anything.”

“No,” Remy said.  “He’s crazy.  And you still believe what he said he could do?”

“Yes, I do,” I said.

“He could have just been saying that to get you,” Tyler said.

“We don’t want a replay of what happened last time,” Rebecca said.

“I know,” I said, remembering.  “I still think my theory is correct, though.  Why can’t I just go and see him, see what he says?  If he knows anything?”

“No,” they all said together. 

I sat back and crossed my arms over my chest.  “Fine,” said.  “You have seen the dream I’m talking about, though, haven’t you?”

“Yes,” Cora said.  “We did right after you told us about it after you had it.  We knew something like that would happen, but not like that.  Who would do that to anyone, let alone an entire city?”

“Isn’t there anyone we could tell about this?” Remy asked.  We all looked at her strangely.  “I mean, like, some important government people?”

“Do you really think they’d believe a couple of teenage kids telling them that the entire city of Chicago is going to be bombed in sixty years?  And what would they be able to do about it?” I asked. 

“And like Cora said,” Rebecca said, “it’s not going to happen for another sixty years.”

“Okay, then,” Remy said.  “I was just trying to suggest something that might be helpful for the people who are going to have to live through it, even if it’s in the distant future.”

“It’s okay,” Cora said, taking her hand.

“Maybe we should just leave it where it is for right now,” Charles said.  “There’s nothing we can do about it anytime soon.”

“Okay,” I said, and we closed our eyes.

But like the last time, I could feel myself being pulled.  And when I opened my eyes, I was back in the prison where Matt was.  He was sitting in front of me again.  He smiled as his eyes scanned down my body.

“You look good,” he said, looking back up at my face.

“I’m guessing you know why I came here,” I said, taking a seat in front of him.

The Descendants Series Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now