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"so, first day here. i got some stuff for you to do now that nap time is over," negan told her, keeping his eyes locked on hers. sadie raised her brows, blinking at him.

"what kind of job?" sadie questioned, if she wanted to get out of there, if she wanted to try to kill him, she would have to plan it out, starting with not acting stupid, and gaining his trust. negan stared at her for a moment, before grinning, and standing up.

"a perfect job for you, kitten."


SAIDE WAS sat on the cold, stone ground. negan standing a few feet ahead of her with his usual attire on, and lucille sIrving on top of his shoulder.

"you just want me to sit and hit that button over and over again?" sadie questioned, looking down at the cd player, before glancing back at negan. the man replied with a yes, his bat sat on his shoulder. he had told sadie to sit on the ground next to a cd player right outside a isolated cell. it already had a tape in it, though she didn't know what. negan told her to hit restart each time the song had ended, it seemed like an odd job.

"is someone in there?" sadie asked him, pointing her thumb towards the cell. negan sighed, taking his bat off his shoulder, and instead let it hang by his leg. Sadie stared at the weapon, the one that killed her two family members, and more than likely than not a whole lot of other people.

"yes. but do not, and i repeat, do not, open that damn door. if i find out you did, there will be punishments. understand?" negan told her, crouching down in front of her to be eye level.

"i can do something more useful. i don't wanna sit here all day,"

"Why not?"

"it's boring? and i don't wanna be here alone all day," sadie faked a pout, negan sighed, pushing himself up to his feet.

"fine, fine. dwight will keep you company."


SADIE HADN'T moved from her position on the ground, negan was down the hall telling dwight what he would be doing instead of his usual jobs around the compound. she moved closer to the end of the wall to listen to their conversation.

"you lay one of your filthy fingers on her and i will not hesitate to kill you. understand me?" negan threatened to the blonde. dwight nodded in understanding. there was one cd player, one button that needed to be hit, two people. negan told him he had to stay with the girl, just in case she tried anything.

"sadie, this is dwight. dwight, this is sadie," the girl glared up at the man from her position on the cold ground, already making up her mind that he wasn't going to be her friend.

the blonde offered his hand out. usually, if the girl wasn't acting on plan — and he wasn't in a murderers group— she would've gave him a chance. but now, she needed negan to think that she wasn't comfortable with anyone else but him, so she could find which exits went which way, what his schedule was. she needed him to think that she favored being only around him — which was the farthest thing from the truth, but she needed to gain his trust.

dwight rolled his eyes, taking his hand back and dropping it back down by his side. negan sighed, his shoulders dropping. this situation had been the most he's ever done for someone, and the girl still wasn't happy.

little piggy | n. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt