The Girl (OC x Jesse)

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The girl.The very girl.The straight, gorgeous brown hair and the emerald shining eyes.The beautiful smile.The beautiful laugh.The beautiful voice.The beautiful name.The beautiful...everything.We met up everyday and laughed, giggled and joked about hilarious things.We even had our own name, "Alesse" (A/N: Or whatever the ship name is X3).This was our names put together: Alexa and Jesse.Alexa was all I ever wished for.No one could be better than her.No one at all.I was fiddling with something shiny and golden in my hand, which was in an 'o' shape and it had a beautiful emerald on top to represent her eyes.Yes.I was going to propose.We promised to meet up today at 5. 4:59 was the current time.Tick.Tock.Tick.Tock.5:20.Still no sign of her.I waited and waited but...

Nobody came...

A/N: Sorry it's so sad and short  :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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