True Love (Male Jesse x Amulet)

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Couldn't help myself! Enjoy! 😂

Jesse's POV
Life was so perfect now the Wither was gone.Olivia and Axel got engaged, Lukas is my new brother-in-law,Petra was now dating her gold sword and Reuben will be dancing happily in the clouds above.Your probably wondering, What about you, Male Jesse? (Still hate being called MALE Jesse, Why'd my sister have to have the same name as me Notch?) Anyways, I'm going to do it tonight.Im going to ask out my best friend that I've had for a few months now: The Amulet.From the very first day Gabriel passed her to me, it was love at first sight.Now, She was about to be my girlfriend! Hopefully, Anyway.Ive been waiting for this moment all my life.I picked Amulet up bridal style then took her to her favourite restaurant: McMagnus'.It was full of greasy food and sugar, but I didn't care.As long as I had Amulet with me, I felt safe.
"What would you like?" I asked Amulet whilst we were sitting down at a table.There was no reply.Very cute.
"I'll just get you an Explodey Meal then, It comes with a free chicken with a fishing rod toy!"
Still no reply.She was so amazing.
"Ahh! That reminds me!" I said,
"Amulet, I've known you for a long time so I thought now I could ask you something that's been on my mind lately...Will you be my girlfriend?"
I shook her up and down (Man Jesse your violent 😂) as though she was saying yes.
"I knew it! Let's get the nether outta here!" I said whilst carrying her out the restaurant.We were going to live happily ever after...

What the heck did I just write? 😂
Anyways, I requested myself to do this since no one is doing it anymore! Please comment! It's the only way this book can keep going! Thx! Byeeeeeeeeeeee!

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