Valeria looked up, her eyes teary and surprising Ashton a bit. He knew the girl always had a strong front, not one to show many emotions. So seeing her on the verge of letting tears slip, was a new thing. But it didn't keep him away, he simply sat down next to her, taking her in. "How are you feeling? Honestly, no excuses."

The girl sucked her bottom lip in, blinking at the Alpha next to her, before looking down at her lap. "Terrible. Everything itches, everything hurts, I can't eat because it either hurts or I'm nauseous..."

Ashton sighed, nodding a little. "I'm sorry. If I could revert it, I would. It's a terrible process and unfortunately also an irreversible one."

Valeria paled even more at that, if possible, her eyes closing and her hands moving up to her face, even if she winced at the pain. Ashton felt bad for her, he really did. After all, he knew what is was like to go through it all. It wasn't nothing and painkillers wouldn't help much, but it was kind of the only thing to do. Warm blankets and love wouldn't help, so just being there for her was the only option. Even if that wouldn't really help either.

"Where's Luke?" Valeria asked in a mumble, looking up at the Alpha again. Ashton smiled comfortingly, careful not to move the girl too much. "He's getting some painkillers."

"He... he doesn't hate me, does he?"

Ashton shook his head, still having a comforting smile. "He's worried. He doesn't really know what to do now his soulmate is going to be one of us. He wants to care for you, but he doesn't know how to. I don't blame him, either. Just give him some time to calm down, he'll be back to normal in no time. Plus, you won't have to worry about having someone at your side during it all."

"So there's really no way back, huh?" Valeria asked, trying to make it sound a bit humouristic, but it sounded more bitter. Ashton simply shook his head again. "Not that anyone knows of."

The girl nodded, grimacing as she moved down a little. Ashton noticed, wanting to help her but knowing it was best to let her do everything on her own as he would only make it worse. For example if he moved her arm just a little too fast, it could feel as if it's breaking. No fun there.

Luke was quick to arrive after that, a cup of water in his one hand and some painkillers in his other, his feet bringing him next to the girl quickly. He looked at her worriedly, putting everything down on the nightstand as he carefully took her hand in his. "Be careful."

Valeria simply smiled a little, moving even further down. "I'll be fine. Eventually."

Eventually. If only that eventually would be sooner than later.

"Where are we going?"

Calum chuckled, keeping Michael's hand in his and pulling the younger one with him. "You'll see."

Michael huffed, but kept quiet. As long as he was with Calum, he would be fine, he decided. Even if they were in the middle of the woods and he would feel lost without Calum by his side.

The two walked a little further, Michael suddenly lifting his head and trying to focus on the soft rushing he heard. Was that... water?

Calum noticed Michael's actions, moving a little faster and soon pulling the boy into a slightly open spot. There was a small waterfall and a cute little stream, disappearing further down. And even if it was all pretty small, it was cute and a nice and calm place. It made Michael smile widely. "Oh... wow."

Calum was smiling widely, his heart fluttering at the way Michael took everything in, wide smile and wide eyes.

"How do you know this?" Michael mumbled, carefully pulling Calum closer to the small stream. It was about as wide as half of their length and probably went as deep as to their knees at most, but it was still an amazing sight. "This is... it's just amazing."

The Beta pulled the younger closer, pressing a kiss to his changing hair. "It's my special spot."

Michael was quiet at that, looking up at the other with slightly widened eyes, his cheeks a light pink. "But, a special spot is for yourself right? W-why would you bring me here?"

Calum almost cooed at the way Michael had spoken, moving his face to bury it in the other's hair. "Because, I like you a whole lot. And I felt like sharing it. Just so you know you have a place to go to in case you need it."

Michael blinked a few times, moving his head lightly to press it to the Beta's neck. "You'll find me though."

"But I'll leave you, for just a bit. If you want to be alone, I'll respect that. But I'll come find you eventually, I mean, if you'd want me to." Calum smiled, pressing another kiss to the boy's hair. Michael sighed quietly, yet happily at that. "I do. Eventually. Maybe right away, I- I don't know."

Calum chuckled lightly. "How about we'll see whenever it happens. But, I kinda hope you trust me enough to just come to me and talk to me. Even if you wanna be alone, we could just, cuddle and not talk. Whatever is fine with me, I guess."

Michael giggled at how the Beta seemed to have a little trouble forming his words. "Yeah?"

Calum pulled back, smiling and moving so their noses touched. "As long as you're happy."

Michael flushed a light red, but smiled nonetheless. "Thank you."

Out in the Woods [5SOS AU]Where stories live. Discover now