I took a deep breath and laid down on his chest as he wrapped his arms around my sore body. "If you ain't feeling good you can tell me now 'cause we can turn around and go to the hospital," He whispered trying to take my hand off of my stomach but I stopped him.

"No it's just cramps baby, I'm fine."

"You don't look fine, you look sick Sincere."

"I'm not, I promise," I replied as the jeep stopped by a huge cliff.

The tour guide turned around and smiled to all of us. "Come on we're going up her!" He said pointing to the top of the cliff.

Antoine and Jay got out of the car, not ever saying a word to each other as they followed the tour guide up the cliff.

"Are you up for hiking?" Effrin asked, lifting me up.

I smiled and nodded my head, trying to stop the excruciating pain I was feeling in my stomach. "Yeah, come on."

I grabbed Effrin's hand and pulled him out of the jeep, following behind the tour guide who was talking to Jay about some of the different types of plants they had here. The entire time up the cliff I felt like collapsing but I tried holding my composure so Effrin wouldn't get suspicious.

It really took no time to get up the cliff since it wasn't big but it was beautiful up here. From where we were standing you could see our bungalows and the beautiful water. I stood near the edge, letting the wind blow against my body. I felt Effrin come up behind me and tightly wrap his arms around my waist as he leaned his chin in the crook of my neck.

I slightly smiled, trying to hold back the tears that wanted to pierce through my eyes at any moment due to my stomach being in so much pain.

"Isn't this beautiful?" He asked swaying me back and forth against his body. I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around his arms that were wrapped around my body. "Wouldn't it be nice if our wedding was here?"

A huge smile grew upon my face. "That would be perfect."

"Or if I proposed to you?" He asked.

I continued smiling and nodded my head.

"So I kind of had a feeling about how beautiful it was going to be here so that's why I bought you here."

"I thought we were just on vacation to get away from Compton for awhile?" I asked him.

"Well, yeah that was one of the reasons why we went on vacation but there's a bigger reason," He said unwrapping his arms from around my body. He stood in front of me and held my hands, tightly.

"What's the bigger reason?" I asked him.

"You know I love you with everything in me right?"

I nodded my head, not knowing where this was coming from. "Yeah of course I know."

"And you love the hell out of me right?"

I slightly laughed but nodded my head, yes. "Of course I do."

He looked down at his feet and then back to my eyes as he pulled a small black box out of his pocket. He dropped down on one knee. "Then let's spend the rest of our lives together, just me and you forever. Will you marry me Sincere Cole?"

I couldn't do anything but nod my head yes as a huge smile spread across my face. At this moment, nothing but marrying Effrin mattered. All of that crap Antoine was talking last night wasn't on my mind or the piercing pain in my stomach. Effrin smiled and slipped the ring on my finger before standing up and kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him, admiring how beautiful my ring looked on my finger.

The Sideline Story (Urban) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now