"Good Morning, Barbara," his long time administrative assistant greeted him.

"Good Morning, your 7:30 meeting is waiting in the study, let me know when you want me to call them in," she reminded him.

"Thank you. Send some flowers from me to Jerry's wife. Put a card in there too," he instructed as he she jotted down the notes on an old personal day-timer. She used old school methods of tracking his day.

The President entered the Oval Office and paced across the cornflower blue carpet and past the red and white striped couches. He, for a moment, stopped and reflected on the previous night's discussion with his Chief of Staff. He tugged on his shirt cuff as he pondered how he would make a second term without his right-hand man. Momentarily despondent, he proceeded to the Resolute Desk. The oak desk was etched with intricate borders and a central eagle that resembled the Presidential seal.

Taking his seat at the desk and shaking off thoughts of the future, he focused on the current crisis of the day detailed in his daily briefing report. The daily briefing report was the President's confidential intelligence update on international and domestic affairs. After reviewing the few known facts about the missing bacteria and the terrorist's involvement, he knew that the Intel would have to come from a different source – one that left as much as possible off the books, like the one he had in his hands. He pressed a button on his desk phone.

"Barbara..." His voice was weak, for he had a foreboding deep in his gut.

"Yes, Mr. President?"

"Call them in, please."

"Yes, Mr. President," a moment later the opposite office door opened and Colonel Jackson Hardy walked in to the Oval Office – his military formals remained pressed although his face had withered from the stress of his illustrious career. Jackson Hardy was the designer and lead instructor of Project Sparta. Given Xander's orphan status during training, Hardy was entrusted with custody rights over him and quickly became a father figure to him. Behind Hardy came National Security Advisor, Janet Powers, the NIH Director, Michelle Fernandez and Marty Jacobs, Chief of Staff. The President directed the ladies to their seats and sat in the one ornate armchair before them.

"Go ahead Jack," the President directed, Hardy to kick off the briefing.

"There has been a development in the situation," Hardy paused for a moment and eyed the civilian in the room, Ms. Fernandez. Hooper noticed and waved it off.

"We need to figure this out together Jackson, I'm granting her code clearance for whatever you have to say," Hardy nodded obediently and continued.

"Ezra Gonet has admitted that he has knowledge of the situation. He is currently in custody in Sparta's Compound and is giving us clues to four planned targets..." The room went silent, only an uncomfortable shuffle of papers could be heard in the Oval Office.

"Clues?" Jacobs asked perplexed and off guard.

"Yes, clues."

"You have to be kidding me? Are we going to have to put the Hardy Boys on it?" Jacobs asked condescendingly. Hardy did not flinch at the comment, rather fixated his expression in a sternness that ran a chill through the room. The full weight of the matter at hand could be seen in his eyes. After many grim moments of silence, Hardy continued.

"Mr. President, Ezra called it a game. He is giving a clue to the next target every four hours. Why he is doing this? I do not know. We are still unclear about his motives. We have no choice but to comply with him, as he is our only source of Intel." Hardy reported. The President shifted in his chair as he carefully weighed the scenario.

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