Hunting of the White Stag

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Hermione's POV

It's been years since Lucy, Susan, Peter and Edmund have been crowned the Kings and Queens of Narnia. Aslan left that day of the coronation.

Susan begged me to stay and live with her at Cair Paravel. I declined and now I live in a small cottage and teach students that are from the neighboring areas of Narnia but The Pevensie's and myself still keep in touch.

Today Susan forced me to come hunting with her.

I was riding on Susan's horse with her.

"Are you alright, Philip?" Edmund asks his horse.

"Not as young as I once was" Philip replies back.

Honestly even after all these years I haven't been able to sort out my feelings.

"Come on, Ed" Susan says once we've passed him.

"Just catching my breath" he lies right through his teeth. It was his horse not him!

"Well that's all we'll catch at this rate" Susan replys.

"What did he say again, Susan?" I asked saracastically.

'"You girls wait in the castle, I'll get the stag myself!'"

"What's this?" Peter says interupting us while we were teasing Edmund. Let me tell you we haven't stopped doing that.

We get of our horses and see and old lamp post covered in Ivory.

"This seems familiar" I say.

"As if from a dream" Susan says as well.

"Or a dream of a dream.Spare Oom" Lucy says before running off.

"Lucy!" Peter calls.

"Not again!" I mutter.

We all fly out of the wardrobe turning back to our younger selves. But Grandpa was standing before the wardrobe. "Oh. There you are. What were you all doing in the wardrobe?"

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you, sir" Peter says.

"Try me" he challenges throwing the cricket ball he had in his hand to Peter to catch.


There will be a last chapter and an epilouge.

Four updates in a day. I'm proud

~Addison =D

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