Totally a Phase

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AU where Morro actually joins the ninja team

Upon closer analysis of his character, you can tell that Morro is actually very smart. I headcanon that he prefers to hide his intelligence because he thinks he'd be better off if people didn't ask him for all the answers

"Sensei, what the hell do we do?" Kai panicked.

"Yeah, what happens if—?!" Jay was cut off by Wu.

"Calm down! All of you, remain calm."

"Those THINGS have my sister!" Kai exclaimed. It was indeed true that the few Nindroids that were left had captured Nya, as if seeking vengeance for destroying the Overlord a few years ago.

Cole spoke up. "Yeah, Sensei! We need to do something!"

"I do not know where they have taken her," Sensei Wu said.

The argument continued, until the ninja team's newest member spoke.

"Maybe since the Nindroids were modeled after Zane, we can use his tracking system to find their location?" Morro said.

The others seemed genuinely shocked that the bratty emo ghost could figure out a better plan quicker than any of them could have.

Morro plugged an earbud in, My Chemical Romance's "Welcome to the Black Parade" playing into his ear as he leaned against the wall. There's the Morro we all knew.

"That's a genius idea, Morro!" Jay said happily.

"Yeah, whatever." Morro then flashed his trademark smirk as we walked off to his room in defiance of the situation.

"When will he get over that phase?" Lloyd questioned.

"It's not a phase!" Morro whiningly shouted from outside the room.

"It's a phase," Sensei agreed.

The door opened again. "Ugh. Like, you don't understand what I'm going through." The door closed again.

Yep, totally a phase.

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