"H-how do you know a-"

"Remember the first day you were late and said was with Antony?"

Liam nods unsurely. He really sucks when it comes to lying, he dont even remember who's name he took that night.

"Antony was the first person I called when you didn't picked my phone and he said he saw you talking to zayn and maybe you left with him. I was quite confused and then I called Louis and Louis being Louis couldn't hide it" Harry shrugs earning a chuckle from Liam.

"Then why? I mean why you never asked me about my lie- God- I hated lying to you!" Liam punches Harry softly and rest his head on the headboard.

"What happened between you two?"

Tears spins in Liam's eyes instantly and that even flipped Harry face from soft to hard. At first Liam was not sure whether he should tell Harry on what happened but decided not to.

"It was bet- he became my friend for a bet" he says and slowly looks at Harry for a reaction.

"He did that for me? As in try to become a friend of his Rival's brother?" Harry coldly asks, his face blank for any emotion to read so Liam just nods.

"I'll be right ba-"


"DON'T!!!" Harry warns and gets up "I am not gonna hurt him for you but that doesn't mean I am not going to protect you from him" with that Harry leaves.

Harry went to the first place which came in his mind- where he can find zayn, football ground.

And lets say he was not wrong because when he walked in the ground, he spotted three familiar faces practicing.

Niall was the first to acknowledge angry Harry's  presence and he freezes in his feet and that caught both Zayn and Louis' attention.

"Harry" Zayn hisses in fear and Harry marches towards him, more like a predator pounding near his prey but Louis was quick to hide Zayn behind him.

"Harry please- hear him out first" Louis begs

Harry bitterly chuckles and glares at Louis "Well sadly I am here to say something not hear something! So fuck off"

"Harry" Zayn yells from back

"Listen carefully, Zayn- Listen loud and clear because next time I wont be here for a talk! I need you to stay far from Liam- as far as you can and if you didn't- then you'll loose this beautiful face getting you popularity which I think you adore like crazy- like isn't it the sole reason why you treated Liam like shit infront of others? For showing how cool you are?"

"He-he told you?" Zayn utters in shock.

"Yea- took him long to confess but he did told me how you used him for a bet" Harry growls, really trying to reach for Zayn but Louis was already pushing his chest to back him.

"Bet?" Zayn confusedly raises his brow.

What bet? Zayn wonders.

"Oh now you're gonna pretend like you did nothing like that?" Harry growls and points a finger at him "All I want is you away from my brother. Repeat- away from him- and that include away from his life completely orelse you're dead" Harry warns and looks at Louis who was in complete protecting mode "cuz next time neither Liam nor your friends can save you"

After Harry left, silence crowded until Niall speaks up.

"He won't really hurt Zayn, right?"

"I wouldn't be that sure" Louis shrugs "You saw how hot he looked?"

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