Chapter nineteen - Nephew

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Rachel's P.O.V

"Ray, I - I" Barbie stuttered when I came to. I peaked my eyes open to see him distraught leaning over my now flat belly.

"Ken where's my baby?" I asked panicked sitting up.

"Ray your awake!" Barbie pulled me into a tight hug.

"Where's my baby?" I said again.

"They might not make it they were born way to premature." Ken looked at the floor.

"Can I see him?" I asked looking hopefull.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Ken said holding my hand.

"Ken I will see my child." I said more determined.

"Ray..."he trailed off. "Ray they're so small." I got up pushing past him. The IV was ripped out if my arm, heart monitor I yanked off my finger.

"Oh my god." I looked at the small fragile baby boy in the incubator.

"And then there's him," Barbie said pointing to another incubator with another boy in it. "When Rosalyn stabbed you she hit him. Dr. Frank said that he either will be fine or have a mental handy cap." Barbie said. "Alphas can't have a retarded son." Barbie mumbled barely audible but I still heard it.

"Excuse me" I said rather appalled.

"What?" Barbie asked clueless.

"Has the alpha power gone to your head. Alphas are supposed to be tough when necessary, but not all the time. If one of my sons is mentally challenged I will love him no different than the other. If you can't accept him, I can't accept-"

"Don't even say it" Barbie growled cutting me off.

"You yourself called him a retard! He is not a retard!" I shouted at him. "Leave, let me be with my sons." I said to Barbie.

"No" he said darkly.

"Barbie please." I pleaded with him showing him how angry and distraught he is making me.

His face softened. "I'm sorry Ray it's just I don't know if I'll be capable of raising a mentally challenged child."

"You won't have to do it alone I'm here" I said trying to make him feel better.

"Your not going to run away anytime soon?" Barbie asked smirk on his face.

"Not unless you give me a reason to." I smirked back.

"I won't." He came across the room embracing me in his arms. "I love you." He said.

"I love you too" I said pulling back from the hug. "Let's name our boys!" I said excitedly.

"Okay" Barbie chucked at my childish behavior.

"Can we name him Garrett Ryder Soul?" i asked.

"Well we can name him Garrett John Wilson. Your sister named her son Zander Ryder Rhodes."

"Does she know?" I asked smacking back into reality. Barbie shook his head no. "Where is she?" I asked.

"In the next room." He said looking away from me.

"Okay I'll be right back and I like Garrett John Wilson." I kissed my mate realizing he was asking me to marry him, and went into Abby's room.

"Your back!" she cheered. "Wait where's your belly, oh no Ray," she began, but I cut her off.

"My boys are okay they'll live, but are you okay?" I asked skeptically. She should of felt the bond break.

"He's gone isn't he." She asked tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry" I said. She started bawling. "Shh it's going to be fine." I hushed her trying my best to comfort her.

"How, how did it happen?" she asked trying to control her sobs.

"Ethan had scouts in the trees probably his deranged children. One shot an arrow through his scull." I said.

"Oh my" she quietly sobbed.

"He saved Lucas, who killed Rosalyn, after she stabbed me." I said.

"I guess it really is me and you till the end." She said recalling the pact we made when we were five.

"Yeah" I laughed "yeah I guess so. Now where's my nephew?" I smiled trying to cheer her up.

"Zander's right here" she pointed to the bassinet holding Zander. He was a big baby.

"He's so big." I said picking him up.

"Frank said he's a healthy baby boy and that's he'll be a strong alpha one day." She smiled.

"Well mine are really small at the moment." I said rocking Zander.

"You keep saying plural when you talk about your kid. Wait, You had twins!" She said happily.

"Yes but there small for alphas but bigger than what normally would of been born if the wolf wasn't an alpha." I explained.

"You still had a month to go I'm surprised they survived." She said.

"Well they have alpha and royal blood in them." I said handing Zander to her.

"Oh I forgot your queen." She chuckled holding her baby smiling down at him.

"Well I got to go spend time with your nephews now" I said walking out and into my room.

"Jen how nice to see you. Who have you brought with you?" I asked once I was in my room.

"You know these people?" Ken asked

"Not all of them. Just Darius's mate Jennifer." I said.

"We are part of the supernatural council" Jennifer said. I raised an eyebrow as to say 'go on' "Once your youngest becomes the age of eighteen you will both join the council."

"I'm Gregory by the way, vampire." The pale bulky man said. Ken growled. Were's and vamps have always been natural enemies. "And these are the Angel part of the council Alicia and Alexander." He added pointing to them.

"You both okay with our agreement?" Jennifer asked.

"Yeah" I said looking at Barbie.

"If it's something we have to do then why not?" Barbie said.

Eighteen years should be enough right?

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