Chapter six - Frustration

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Barbie's P.O.V.





All those emotions were running through my head. Frustration the most, Rachel said that her and Ethan are up in her room having some alone time does she secretly still believe Ethan is her mate? If so that's crazy.

"Barbie! Help!" Rachel linked me. She doesn't need my help she is fully capable of taking care of herself.

"Help her!" Conri shouted at me.

"She doesn't need it" I retorted very nastily.

"Barbie if you hear this I want you to know that I'm sorry for anything I've done wrong" She whispered. Oh crap. I got up running to her room and you could hear a very evil cackle emanating from her room.

"Told you jackass." Conri hissed. I kicked open the door to see Rachel face down in a little pool of blood. Ethan was standing over her like he had just won the lotto.

"You son of a bitch!" I screamed at him waiting for his first attack.

"She got what was coming." He chuckled. "Now get out of my way" he demanded heading towards the door which I am currently standing on.

"No" and with that the fight begun. He charged like a bull I didn't move. His shoulder hit my stomach and his head on my side pushed me into the hall wall. I kneed him in the stomach and then kicked him well, where do you think. He fell over clutching his belongings. I took this at a moment in time to kick him again and again and again until Jax grabbed me pulling me away.

"Calm down" he shouted at me using his beta command which didn't work at all.

"Let go of me!" I shouted elbowing him in the ribs. Hearing a crunch snapped me out of my fury filled state. "Shit Jax I'm so sorry I didn't mean it!" why am I a complete ass.

"I'll get you back 'Barbie'" Ethan teased running down the hall and probably out of the pack house.

"Stay right here I'm gonna go get some help for Rachel and then I'll be right back." I rushed out running down to the living room. "Frank! Frank!" I yelled frantically. I know that this situation is life or death for Rachel; I should have linked help before storming in like a bat out of hell.

"What Ken what's wrong?" Frank placed his hands on my shoulders trying to calm me down.

"Alpha Rachel help Ethan bad head bleeding" I couldn't make complete sentences I was so out of breath from running down four flights of stairs and the adrenalin running through my veins didn't help any.

"Okay take me there." Why is he so calm about this? I ran up the stairs again reaching her room before Frank.

"Frank!" could he be any slower.

"Coming!" he yelled strolling in like I was over reacting then he laid his eyes on Rachel. "Okay more than I expected." He panicked going into doctor mode.

"Next time don't take your time." I walked out going to Jax still in the hall. "Hey buddy how you doing?" I talked to him like he was a child holding my hand out for him.

"Fine." he grumbled getting up on his own ignoring my hand stretched out to help him.

"Ken can you come help me bring her down to the infirmary?" Frank asked peaking his head out into the hall. "Oh and Jaxon too?" he quickly added.

"Yeah." I mumble. Frank flipped her over, Jax and frank picked her up placing her in my arms. Why didn't I just listen to her the first time!

"Because you're an ass." Conri hissed at me. Oh how I am not in the mood.

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