Chapter eight - Visions and magic

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Rachel's P.O.V

"What the-" I just entered the clearing Ethan told me to meet him at, to kill me, I obliged for the sake of my pack. "You sick mut" I muttered at Rosalyn whom was currently standing over my twin, my other half. The snow was red with blood. Blood covered her green jeans and white shirt was no longer white it was a dark deep red.

"Oops I guess I killed the wrong one" she teased kicking her body over the cliff into the Atlantic Ocean. Anger pulsed thru my veins all in that moment I wanted to murder Rosalyn I don't care that she has a newborn and three older pups, well two actually, she killed the last blood related family I have left. Had.

"Damn it Rosalyn what did you do your going to get yourself killed!" Ethan screamed at his beloved mate.

"I thought this was Rachel. Why was she here in the first place?" She thought about it while I stood there fists clenched playing eeny, meeny, miny, moe with who to kill first Ethan or Rosalyn. Abby was my back up and so is Grant, I guess he is too far away, but he should of felt the bond break.

"How could you kill her! She was innocent!" I hissed growing angrier as each second passed.

"Anyone who is associated with you is far from inno-" her sentence was cut short from the large gray wolf that had ripped her head off.

"Rose!" Ethan yelled running from next to me to her body, Grant looked very content sitting there with Rosalyn's head dangling out of his mouth. Her eyes are wide open with her mouth slightly ajar and then it's her spine and a few organs hanging out of her neck.

"Well well well Ethan it looks like you got what you were asking for." I said in a sing song kind of voice placing my clenched hands on my hips.

"Not exactly but you knew that would happen didn't you? You found out when you were in your coma."

Bright light invaded my eyes and I could make out a figure shining a flash light in my eyes.

"Can you not" I hissed sitting up.

"Ah nice of you to wake up alpha" Frank greeted me. And that's when I realized a little too late that I was indeed naked. I sat up and flashed Frank. As quickly as I could I took what little dignity I had left and layed back down and recovered myself.

"This. Never. Happened." I commanded him. He bowed his head in submitting and finished the protocol for 'waking up from a coma' tests.

When Frank was almost completed Barbie, Abby and Jax came running through the door.

"Frank why didn't you tell us sooner!" Barbie huffed at my bed side looking down at me.

"Because alpha's orders" okay Frank blame it on me.

"Really? you haven't been conscious in a couple of weeks and you don't want to see us?" Barbie growled slamming his hand down on the arm of the bed breaking it.

"Hey!" Frank quickly shouted when Barbie broke one of his precious beds.

"Calm down barbie" I hushed putting my hand on his arm. "Oh and what exactly happened during these weeks I was out for?" I looked at Abby Jax and Barbie and waited to see if I missed anything.

"Well for starters Jax here mated Lilly and I know I'm having a boy" Abby's having a boy!

"Here you go alpha" Sheryl handed me a clothes and walked out of the room with Frank following behind.

"Why'd she hand you clothes?" Jax asked, he can be a real dumbass at times.

"Think about it. What was I like the last time you saw me?" I asked tapping my nails on the unbroken arm rest.

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