He Sees Your Self Harm Scar (Muke)

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(If anyone i mean anyone suffers with any kind of abuse or have suicide thoughts I'm here for you always. Just message me or kik me @SexyCapricorn98 I'm always available with times like these because I'm a caring person with subjects of these topics so don't hesitate to contact me.)

Luke: You couldn't take anymore of the lies, the scandals, The hate. You walked in the bathroom and locked the door you grabbed the razor out of Luke's shaver and made a cut along your thigh. Once you cleaned the blood up you wrapped your cut and put on your blue jeans. You walked downstairs and sat on the couch. About ten minutes later Luke walked through the door with his guitar in his bag

"Hey babe." He said putting his bag down

"Hey." You said normal like nothing happened earlier

"What are we watching." He asked flopping down on the couch

"Oh idk I've been on my phone." You said looking down at your phone

"Babe what's this?" He asked pointing to the couch where there was a blood spot

"Umm idk." You said

Luke fingers traced the blood to your thigh. You automatically knew what his reaction was

"Babe let me see." He said reaching for your thigh you moved your thigh

"Y/N let me see!!." Luke's voice got louder

"No because you will judge me just like they did and I'm sorry I can't be better for you or that I'm not thin like a supermodel." You said finally breaking down and letting go of all the tears you were holding

He reached over a rubbed your back and let you cry into his shoulder

"Babe it's okay." He said rubbing your scars

"I'm here now." He added kissing your forehead

You had got into it with your mom and her words replayed in your mind


You cried your eyes out and nobody was there to save you not even Michael he was away on a tour and he would the only one to calm you down. You opened the drawer where you kept your razors and sliced your arm up.

But little did you know Michael was coming home early to surprise you. You heard the front door slammed and hurried and put one of his hoodies one to cover up the scars and rushed downstairs.

"Hey Mikey." You said happily

"Hey babe I'm home early because I missed you sooooo much." He said holding you tight

You let go and Mikey grabbed your arm and looked at the blood cover sleeve your were wearing.

"Babe what happened?" He asked

"I fell." You lied

Michael pulled up your sleeve relieving your cuts

"Was it your mom?" He asked

Your eyes filled with tears remembering everything she said about you in the last 2 hours Michael just cuddled you and let your cry until you feel asleep in his arms.

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