Not In That Way (Sad Cake)

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"And I hate to say I love you When it's so hard for me And I hate to say I want you When you make it so clear You don't want me I'd never ask you 'cause deep down I'm certain I know what you'd say You'd say, "I'm sorry, believe me, I love you but not in that way."

you were hanging with boys one day and everyone knew you loved Luke but Luke. You guys were sitting and playing never have I ever in a circle and you were down to one finger you been sticking it through with one finger. Ashton had three fingers, Calum had no fingers left, Michael had five fingers left, Luke had two fingers left. It was Ashton turn.

"Never have I ever.... Loved Luke." Ashton said laughing your smile fading slowly you didn't want to put down that one finger and reveal to your close friend that you was in love with him.

"Um Imma go to bed I'm pretty tired." You said yawning and getting up and leaving. You heard the boys downstairs talking you were pacing around the room "what if he knows..?" "what if he doesn't feel the same way.?" "Chill Y/N he doesn't know..." you told yourself. there was a knock on the door. You slowly walked over to open the door to reveal a nervous Luke biting his lip ring.

"Hey Y/N umm can we talk?" He said

You nodded and sat on your bed and he sat next to you. it was really quiet so you decided to break the tense.

"Um about the game..I----." You were trying to say

"Is it true?" he said lowly

"Yeah." You barely whispered

"How long have you felt like this." he asked

"For a while.. just didn't really say anything about it to you." You said

"Look I love you too but not in that way... I mean I have a girlfriend and she's amazing and smart." He said playing with his hands

"I get it." You said

and that was where the conversation left and so the next day you packed your bags because it was too much for you to watch him love someone else.

"And I hate to say I need you I'm so reliant I'm so dependent I'm such a fool When you're not there, I find myself singing the blues. Can't bear, Can't face the truth You will never know that feeling You will never see through these eyes."

Calum knew you had loved him but he just ignored the feelings you had for him. But you wanted him so bad soooo bad that it made you look like a a fool or a lost puppy when he wasn't around. So you started to avoid him because you couldn't live with the fact that he didn't love you back.

"Ain't no sunshine when he's not warm when he's away... ain't no sunshine when he gone and he always gone too long anytime he's gone away." You sang in your bedroom thinking about Calum. He wouldn't understand what its like to be in love with someone all he knew was one night stands. Your phone rung and it was the guy who had your heart

"Hello.." You answered

"Hey haven't heard you in a month and haven't seen you in three what's up why did you M.I.A on me?" He asked joking around

"You think this is a joke Calum.. it's not.. you think it's because I love you but you will see what i see or understand what im feeling because you don't know how it feels to have your heart ripped out so therefore I will no longer be hanging out with you or talking to you until I get rid of this feeling." You said hanging up the phone and blocking his number.

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