Side Chick (Michael)

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You were on your way to Michael's house but you had to be very sneaky because today was his engagement party but you had very important news for him. You pulled out your phone to call him but he didn't answer so you went to his door and knocked but unfortunately his fiancée opened the door

"Hi who are you." She asked politely

"Michael's childhood friend..umm he invited me to the party." You kinda lied you and Michael were childhood friends but you weren't invited to the party she opened the door and let you inside. You knew this house like the back of your hand but she didn't know that... You spotted Michael talking to a group of guys in a corner he noticed you walked in the room and excused himself to come talk to you

"What are you doing here."  He asked

"I gotta tell you something." You whispered

"Not here not right now.... This is my engagement party are you crazy my wife would be pissed if she knew who you were.." He said angrily

"Hold on wait a minute... She ain't or wife yet and what I'm just some hoe you can fuck in the middle of the night and not go out in public." You said crossing your arms

"This would ruin my reputation." He said lowly

The pushed you to the edge and pushed everyone of your buttons

"So what about my reputation it's already been shattered... All of your friends think I'm some kinda hoe and my friends think I'm stupid and wasting my time sleeping with you." You said

"Maybe they are right." Was his final answer

"Now we will have Michael's childhood friend give a speech... Y/N" his fiancée." Said in the mic

You walked up to the stage and took the mic you looked at everyone and then your eyes landed Michael hugged up with his fiancée

"Hello guys I'm Y/N Michael childhood friend... Umm growing up with Michael was great and now he's getting married I can't believe.. I always imagined my life with Michael no offense but we would get married and have kids together and live happily ever after but he's marrying someone else and I'm not okay with it because he's been sleeping with me every night when you weren't home and talks about how annoying you are but you seem really nice and I didn't want to do this like this... But Michael you may be marrying her but I'm carrying you inside of me... I'm two months pregnant and your the father." You said dropping the mic and running out of the house and driving home crying only think was in your mind was his fiancée face crying and Michael shocked face but you couldn't keep lying or sleeping around

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