Side Chick (Calum)

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*Phone Vibrates*
I answered the phone call I hope whoever this is better be important it's 2:00 am and I have to work tomorrow.

"Y/N my girlfriend just left for a weekend and I need some help with.... Ya know." It was Calum's voice in the other end

"Why now Calum I have work in the morning and it's 2:00 am and I told you about calling so late." I said getting up and getting dressed

"But I hear you putting on clothes and shuffling in the background so is that a yes." He asked

"Yeah I'm on my way... But gotta go once we are done gotta be at work at 5:00." I said

He made some kinda of noise but he eventually accepted that I couldn't stay the night. I drove over to Calum house and we had sex of course but I couldn't get two feet in the door before he started attacking me I couldn't keep this because I was getting attached to calum and that was one of the rules never catch feelings for a man who's cheating on his girlfriend but maybe she wasn't doing something right that I was.... But I was getting blowjobs at 3:00 in the morning it's not classy but I get to see Calum is that so wrong???

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