Chapter Eleven {Edited}

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The clan continued to grow even more restless as the days carried on. They were growing scared of their unpredictable neighbors. They felt at any moment certain war would unfold in the forest. They upheld Blizzardstar's wishes of no fighting the best that they could.

Spottedrose was also getting impatient, she longed to visit her clan.

"Blizzardstar, is today the day that we venture to BreezeClan?" Spottedrose mewed softly from her padded nest next to Blizzardstar's. The snowy white tom was sitting close by. He had been woken early by terrible nightmares, something he had clearly not expected.

"Maybe." he meowed, hoping she would just forget about it for now. The more dangerous the situation became, the more he wished to just keep her out of it.

"You can't keep me here." she huffed, curling into an even tighter ball in her nest. He looked at her with a baffled expression, "I'm not keeping you anywhere. You can leave anytime you'd like." he pointed out gently.

He didn't want to argue about this again. He knew he didn't have anything to say to satisfy her need to visit her true home.

"Maybe you should just go today." a familiar voice mewed from just outside Blizzardstar's den. It was Tinypool. He could tell from her expression that she was troubled. But with Spottedrose there, Blizzardstar knew that Tinypool would stay silent.

He shuffled his paws, feeling his frustration growing more severe. "What would Oakstar say, when he saw you?" he asked skeptically. He hoped she would understand how he felt about the situation. She looked down at the soft moss lining her nest. "Maybe he would just be happy to see me again." she whispered.

Blizzardstar didn't know if that was the case. As soon as Oakstar would see her, he would be outraged! He had told them to stay away and never come back. He could already imagine it now, Oakstar bearing down on top of him snapping for his throat.

"Let's just go today. If it seems like things are going badly we can just leave." she begged, her voice light but pleading. He looked down at her, wishing he could just avoid all of this and just stay here in his den with her.

"I guess we can go." he mewed reluctantly. She jumped up almost instantly, her eyes shining happily.

"I'll organize a patrol to escort us to the camp." he mewed, shooting an angry look at Tinypool who was still sitting near the mouth of the den. As he exited, she dared to follow him.

"You can't keep her from Oakstar," the medicine cat chided him, "BreezeClan is her home. Oakstar knows what's best for her."

Blizzardstar kept his mouth shut, foreboding coursing all throughout his body. He knew this meeting would only end in trouble.

It was only a little past sunhigh. The small patrol was just leaving the tree cover on IceClan territory. Wildflight padded close to Spottedrose while Meadowshine and Elkleap brought up the rear.

BreezeClan's border markers were tinged with fear and anger. Blizzardstar wrinkled his nose as he detected Oakstar's scent. It was the strongest among the rest.

It seemed like the BreezeClan leader patrolled this border often. The thought made Blizzardstar's pelt prickle but he stayed silent as they slowly trudged on across BreezeClan territory.

After several long minutes of walking, they encountered a patrol hunting for prey. Foxstreak was there, with Coldwind and Willowleaf. The three cats turned to Blizzardstar's patrol, their hackles rising threateningly.

Spottedrose eagerly padded over to Foxstreak, her eyes happily shining at seeing her friend again. "We have finally come, to talk with Oakstar!" she meowed before anyone could utter a single word.

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