Chapter Nine {Edited}

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Blizzardstar and Spottedrose hurried back to camp, leaving Quickwater to collect the fresh kill. Urgency lent speed to their paws, there was barely any time to chat before they were bursting through the camp entrance.

Wildflight was there in a blink, hovering at Blizzardstar's side. "What is going on?" she asked curiously, noticing that the pair seemed exhausted from their run.

Blizzardstar quickly collected himself and swept his tail around Wildflight's side as he started to pad towards his den. "Spottedrose and I must speak with you, before I speak with the clan." he mewed hastily as he stopped at the entrance to his den. The hollow tree could barely contain the three warriors but in moments, they were alone in the stuffy den.

"We met Foxstreak on the border," Blizzardstar began slowly, "she says that Oakstar is growing crazy, now that Spottedrose is gone."

"They are afraid for their safety." Spottedrose added, her eyes dark with worry. "Foxstreak is very loyal. I could only see her saying something like that if things have truly gone terribly wrong." she mewed. Wildflight nodded, taking in what the former Breezeclan warrior had to say. She took a couple heartbeats before finally meowing, "well surely that just means you should go back?"

Spottedrose shuffled her paws, "that is an option, but we were thinking we could try and talk to him again about peace between us." Wildflight shook her head, "we tried that last time and he almost attacked Blizzardstar!" Her brown fur rippled over her lean muscles.

Blizzardstar butted in, his voice strong and commanding, "we will visit BreezeClan with a patrol in a moon or so, and see if we may talk of peace." He watched Wildflight, noticing how she seemed like she wanted to protest. But, she stayed silent with a small, slight nod.

Spottedrose purred, brushing against his side. "Surely Oakstar will rethink living peacefully when he sees how great we can work together. I'm sure there are others who would agree." her eyes shined as she glanced at Blizzardstar.

He felt his fur burn under her gaze. He knew it was true that he and Spottedrose worked well together. Perhaps he even was starting to really enjoy her company, but he would not admit it. He wasn't sure what to say. Hiding his emotions was something he was used to doing by now.

Wildflight turned to leave, her tail flicking with frustration as she exited the hollow tree. Blizzardstar knew he should talk to his deputy about this more, but Spottedrose was looking at him with a pleased expression.

"There was a time that I wouldn't hesitate to go and attack Breezeclan," Blizzardstar mewed softly, "my clan is still wary to the thought of peace."

Shimmerpelt flicked her tail, "surely they must listen to you, though. You may be young but your paws are guided by StarClan." she mewed happily. Her tail whisked around to brush against Blizzardstar's paw. His heart skipped a beat at how close her words were to the truth. But, she couldn't possibly know about his dream with Mudstar so many nights ago.

"Aren't all leaders' paws guided by StarClan? Breezeclan will follow his orders, even if they are to wipe my clan out of the forest once and for all." he slumped his shoulders and sighed sadly. Spottedrose pressed closer against him, her calico fur entangling with his frosty white pelt.

"I will never let Oakstar hurt you." she whispered. Blizzardstar laughed lightly, looking at her with amusement. "So I guess we are both protecting each other now." he purred.

She rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes lightly. She could almost picture a perfect life, where her father wanted to live in peace with their neighbors. There were no battles and no one argued over land or prey. She thought she could even see herself enjoying time with Blizzardstar. Maybe one day she could even dare to be his mate. She decided that was what she wanted, most of all.

The next morning was cold and cruddy, but Blizzardstar was determined not to forget his task again. He had been preoccupied the previous night with the clan meeting, which ended surprisingly smoothly. But now, Quietstorm's kits, Applekit and Sweetkit, were nearly six and a half moons old. He knew he had neglected them, they should have been made apprentices as soon as they were six moons old.

I can't keep letting myself get so distracted, he thought inwardly. As he exited his musky den, he turned and clawed his way up the bark and onto a small branch. "Let all cats old enough to feel the snow sting their paws, gather for a clan meeting!" he yowled. Almost instantly, Quietstorm appeared at the nursery along with Applekit and Sweetkit.

The white and black splotched she-cat was still trying to groom her kits' pelts, but they were trying to wiggle away from her. Softgaze sat near the fresh kill pile with her apprentice, Brokenpaw. The two she-cats looked like they had only just woken up. Pearlfang was also already awake, resting in a weak ray of early sunlight.

Soon, the elders appeared from their den. Timberstrike was leading the small group, his green eyes shining as he looked up at Blizzardstar. Behind him came Reedfur, who was gently leading Hawkslash from the den. Blizzardstar could feel his stomach twist with grief at the sight of the brown tabby warrior. Tinypool had been right that his eyes would not mend. He saw Reedfur whisper something in his ear before they sat down next to Timberstrike and some other warriors. It seemed the warriors had started to wake up and exit the den while Blizzardstar was watching Hawkslash.

Deep down, he still wanted revenge for his clanmate, but he knew that he was better off just forgetting about it. He took a deep breath, preparing to begin the ceremony."This fine morning, we have gathered together to make Quietstorm's two kits into apprentices," he called out loudly, "Applekit and Sweetkit, please step forward."

The two kits hopped around excitedly for a second before scampering forward to the base of Blizzardstar's tall tree. In a blink, he leapt down to stand beside the kits. He touched his paw to Applekit's muzzle, feeling his claw tips graze her cream and brown fur. "From this day forward, you will be known as Applepaw," he mewed proudly, placing his paw back down on the ground, "your mentor will be Sootsplash!"

Sootsplash purred as he approached, "thank you, Blizzardstar. I will mentor my sister's kit well." Blizzardstar nodded, letting his gaze travel over Sootsplash's white and black spotted pelt. He looked almost exactly like Quietstorm.

Applepaw bounced away behind Sootsplash as he went to sit beside Quietstorm. Now it was Sweetpaw's turn. Once again, Blizzardstar lifted his paw and let it gently rest on Sweetpaw's muzzle. The tiny calico shivered but she looked determined. "From this day forward, you will be known as Sweetpaw! Your mentor will be Goldensky," he meowed, knowing the pair would work well as a team. The pretty golden brown she-cat quickly strode forward and touched her nose to Sweetpaw's forehead. "We are going to leave to explore the borders in a moment." Goldensky eagerly promised the tiny apprentice.

The two new apprentices scampered off towards the apprentice's den, quickly disappearing into the tall stems. Sootsplash padded over to Goldensky, discussing a possible joint patrol to explore the territory. Preforming ceremonies always had the ability to calm his nerves. It seemed that since they saw Foxstreak on the border, Blizzardstar had become more stressed. It seemed almost impossible to convince Oakstar to believe that peace was right for the clans. But Blizzardstar was starting to wonder if he truly wanted peace as well.

He wished Mudstar had been able to tell him more in his dream. Even just to visit him again, but his dreams were empty and filled with darkness. He wasn't sure if StarClan had abandoned him or not. Maybe I'm choosing the wrong path, he thought suddenly. Maybe it all doesn't even matter.

Blizzardstar had turned away as the cats were breaking up. Spottedrose was padding over to him from her place among the other warriors, her expression unreadable. "I wish I could go back to see Bearpaw." she meowed quietly as she sat next to him. Blizzardstar let his tail run down her spine, hoping to calm her. "Don't worry, soon we will go back to Breezeclan. Hopefully we will bring peace to Oakstar and your clan mates."

Spottedrose closed her eyes and pressed closer into Blizzardstar's pelt. He felt almost certain, he had to be choosing the right path. He had to do this, for his Clan and for Spottedrose.

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