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Star Pov
I had my plan worked out, he'll take my arm or try to kiss me and I'll move each time he does when I hear people around I'll make a scene that my mother knows and father as well and when he sounds nervous I'll ask him about his ex-girlfriend, I couldn't wait for it to happen, I invited Marco but he said he might not come over and I understand if he's upset with me but we work together so he really can't avoid me

"Star, Caleb is here" perfect timing "Hey Star I bet you look beautiful in whatever your wearing right now" I smirked and giggled "Thanks" he linked our arms and tried to kiss me but I turn my head and he kissed my cheek "What's wrong?" I roll my eyes "I haven't told my parents about us, so keep it low okay" he shakes his head and I smiled, as more guest arrives and the amount of times he tried kissing I snapped and got into character

"Caleb I told you, stop trying to kiss me! We can't let them know" he grabbed my arms and shush me "Star lower your voice" I moved away from him "No, why did you lie to me! I thought you 'loved' me what happened?" I could hear whispers from the guest "I still love you, what's up with you?" I scoffed and came closer to his face while poking his chest "You never liked me at all. Second you don't care a damn about my feelings. Third my mother told me that you were kissing your ex! Explain that to me you unfaithful animal!"

My chest was rising up and down and I could feel my face warm up with anger "I..I..we're done!" I laughed "Good! I really didn't click with you in the first place" I began laughing and I called Lilly "Lilly!" She came and I grabbed hold of the handle and walked around, as the party kept going I felt a lot of cars parked in front of Marcos parents house, I knew it was their house because I heard music playing and the lights making my vision know it's lit, they invited me but I don't know if I should,

after all Marco is with his family and I'm not really part of it so I'll be out of place, as I started walking back I heard someone call me "Star?" I knew that voice too well, I walked towards it "Hey Marco, how's your party?" He shrugs "It's alright, you look beautiful" I blushed a bit "Thanks, you know you were right about Caleb" I heard him chuckle and pull me into a hug "See, I could tell he wasn't the one, hey I'm sorry for yelling at you a couple days ago, I was just mad that a random guy just suddenly started liking you" I giggled

"Yeah, I never really liked him, I just wanted to get my mind distracted from someone else" I giggled and I felt his hand on my cheek which made me scream from the inside "You know, I'll never understand why your so sweet and kind and people just run over you, like I did but I never wanted to yell at you Star I'm sorry" I took his hand off my cheek and held it "Marco it's cool, that was one of many arguments we will have over the expect me to be rude for no apparent reason or I'm moody or something around the lines"

we laugh and giggle a bit before I heard his girlfriend calling for him "Marco?!" I heard him sigh "I better go, bye Star see you this weekend" he hugged and kissed my cheek before he walked off and I walked home, when I got back my mother brought me to the dinner table where my family was already seated, I sat there and ate and heard their conversation while I just kept to myself, eventually I left and went outside near my gate and stood there singing to myself as I heard footsteps

"Hey Star, you look pretty" I smiled and knew it was Nina my neighbor "Thanks, if I could see I bet you look very pretty as well" she giggled "So, how's life I need a breather cause my family is over and driving me nuts" I giggled and brought her to my swing "Alright I guess, everything seems to not work out for me in my favor, you know?" She giggles "Yeah, you know for the past couple months I've seen this boy come and drop you off every day and I say, wow what a gentleman but he goes to another girl, and I'm like what just happened?"

I smirked "That's Marco, he's my best friend and he has a wonderful girlfriend, but the thing is that I kinda fell for him but I'm not completely sure of it you know, like yeah it's obvious but I can't just go and say 'Oh Marco, I think I like you but I'm not sure of it' and plus his girlfriend is kind, and trusting and beautiful, she let me fell her face and her features were so defined, she's a 10 at best" Nina giggled "Well the future can change right?" I nodded

"Okay, so if the two broke up just swoop right in and you got your dream guy" I shook my head "No, I can't do that to her, or him and they've been together for almost 3 years now, I can't mess with that Nina, I know you want me to be happy but I want him to be happy if it means I'm out of the picture"

A/n hello guys and wow a lot of comments, especially from one of my followers that really likes this book, thanks for it and I laugh a bit while I read them and you remind me of my best friend in real life when she texts me lol but I hope you like this part anyways bye ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

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