Chapter 2

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The alarm went off at 6 am in the morning. I hadn't been up so early since before summer. I rubbed my eyes and sat up completely disoriented. It felt like a truck had hit me. My eyes were droopy and I was about to fall back asleep immediately if I laid back down. I guess that's what you expect from the time difference and the jet lag since I didn't have much time to settle in. Slowly I stood up. I heard my new family down stairs already up and cooking breakfast. At home I was the only one up at this time of the morning so I always had to make my breakfast myself. Smiling a bit I walked to the wardrobe. What did you wear to high school? I had no clue. "Ava!", I yelled knowing she'd already be up. She came rushing into my room already dressed. "Yes?". "I don't know what to wear? What do you wear to high school?", I asked looking at the closet completely lost. "Nothing fancy. Just what you'd normally wear for school". I looked at her outfit. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a white T-shirt. I looked at her shoes and found her wearing a pair of white vans. She went for the simple look so, naturally I'd do the same. "Can a band T-shirt work out?", I asked. At my school people thought it was weird to wear band shirts. "Yeah that's cool". I thanked her and as she closed the door I pulled out a pair of black shorts and my Bring Me The Horizon t-shirt with their signature umbrella from their album 'That's the spirit'. I pulled on some black vans feeling like I looked like the complete opposite of Ava and straightened my brown hair and put on my makeup. I packed a schoolbag, and since I had no books, I had only put in my computer, headphones, phone, pencil case and wallet. That must be good enough for now.

I hopped down the stairs feeling the excitement ooze out of me. I sat down at the table where the others had just sat down. They had gone all out on the breakfast. There were eggs, bacon, pancakes and syrup. "Oh that looks delicious", I cheered and Steve smiled warmly at me. I looked at Jack who had put bacon on his pancakes. "Do you put bacon on pancakes?", I asked shocked as I looked at Ava doing the same. "Yeah? You don't?". I shook my head and they both looked at me like I had grown an extra head. "You should try it!", Jack said, clearly in a better mood compared to yesterday. I nodded and did the same as them. As I took a bite the salty mixed with the sweet and made me want more. "This is amazing oh my god!". They all laughed and together we ate a quick breakfast before heading to school. Both Jack and Ava had a drivers license but had to share a car between them. Today Jack had the car so we drove with him to school. He told me that next year he was going to college so he was still thinking on where to apply. it was exciting to listen to since you normally only see that dilemma in movies. In Denmark school and college is free except for the books you usually have to buy at college.

The school looked like something you normally see in movies. With the long halls with lockers lined up all the way down, and a big football field and everything you'd normally see like classes and a canteen. Apparently we had showed up early so Ava had time to give me a quick tour so I wouldn't feel completely lost. It was a fairly big school and there weren't many who appeared early. Mostly on time or like 5 minutes before.

After going through my schedule with the principle and him introducing me to the school I went to my first class obviously a bit late. With shaking hands I knocked on the door aware of all the eyes that would stare at me the minute I entered the door. My first class was english with Ava so maybe there would be a seat available. As I opened all eyes were on me as predicted. "Oh welcome, You must be the new exchange student Maya! I'm Mr. Morris your new english teacher". He was very high in spirit and introduced me to the class. All that time I just watched Ava pointing to the chair next to her. "You may find a seat". I sat down as quickly as I could and tried to follow up on what the class had been doing. They were talking about some book they had to read and then talk about over the next few weeks. They didn't know what book it since Mr Morris always tried to make it as exciting as possible so they were all talking about it even though no one was really interested. I felt bad for him. He tried really hard compared to my teachers at home. They didn't make it out to be as cool as he did. I had to get used to the fact that English for them was like Danish for me. Where we learn about different genres and stuff and not just about grammar and easy texts about Martin Luther King and The Amish. "So how's your first class?", Ava asked excitedly. "It's great. A lot different from what I'm used to, but definitely good". It didn't help that it was already Thursday though. I had kind of missed the whole week of socializing with new people. I had to find some more friends so I wouldn't end up strangling Ava with my clinginess. "Classes are pretty boring, but breaks and after school activities are usually extremely fun. Are you thinking about signing up for something? For instance cheerleading like me?", she asked smirking at me. Me in a cheerleading suit? Never in a million years. "It's not really my style. I'm not good at balance. I'm kind of clumsy". I laughed nervously hoping I hadn't disappointed her too much. "Ah got it. I wouldn't want you to fall and break your leg at the top of the pyramid", she smiled brightly not mad or disappointed at all. It felt nice. I hated not doing what people wanted me to or expected me to do. It makes me feel guilty. "But I'll come to all of your.. cheerleading things and cheer for you ironically", I joked and she laughed out loud making some of the others in our class turn around to stare. "Maya you don't have a choice! I'll drag you if necessary". "You don't have to. I'd love to come". "You have to come to Jacks football games as well! He's not that great but at least we'll support him". I couldn't imagine Jack playing american football. He doesn't seem like the type. He more seems like the slack off who'd sleep most of his days away, and only keep homework to a minimum. But then again maybe he is like that, just with a love for football? "Of course!". As we were both getting pretty excited, Mr Morrison interrupted us to give me some of their books and a short summary of what they had done the last couple of days. I had already missed so much, and that was in all classes. I had missed all the getting back to school excitement already. I already heard students talk about vacation and wanting to go back home to sleep.

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