Chapter 20

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It's been a few weeks now since me and PJ started going out. In fact, so much time had passed, that Thanksgiving was today. Because of the closeness of the two families, we were having thanksgiving with the Collins. I hadn't talked to Alex since that time in the grocery shop when we established that there was nothing left to fight for. And it had proven to be right. There wasn't. The few times I had seen him he had went to the fridge to get something to drink while me, Jack and PJ had been playing video games in his living room. No greetings, nothing. In art class I had talked my teacher into moving me to another seat and she had let me. So, I was now partnering with another senior I had forgotten the name of. We didn't talk much unless it was necessary. Alex had been paired with another guy but hadn't seemed to take much interest in the class anymore. Mostly he sat in the back with his phone hidden. He had probably been talking to Lexa. I admit I hadn't seen her often, but then again, Alex did spend a lot of his time outside the house.

Me and PJ were...okay. I went to most of their football practices after school to cheer him and Jack on, helped him with his homework and played videogames. We hadn't gone on another date since the movies and I didn't mind. Maybe this was how it was supposed to be in a relationship. Comfortable.

"You look beautiful Maya", Ava poked her head through the door to study me.

I was wearing a navy-blue dress and a pair of flats. My hair was loose, and I had curled it an hour ago. My makeup was light, but noticeable. Ava looked just as good. Long blonde hair, a green flowy skirt and a black tank top. Very downgraded, but beautiful nonetheless.

"So do you", I wiggled my eyebrows and she laughed.

Sophie was spending thanksgiving with her own family, and so was Elijah. Those two were definitely the cutest couple out there. He did everything for her, treating her like an absolute princess, though she mostly hung out with Alex and Elijah. I talked to her occasionally though.

"Ready to go?".

I nodded and together we went downstairs. Abigail had already gone to PJ's house to help Alex' mom cook. I, myself, didn't understand why Thanksgiving was such a big deal but apparently it was.

The ride to their house was quiet but comfortable and my heart sped up at the thought of seeing Alex again.

No. PJ.

I meant PJ.

I was excited to see PJ again.

Instead of knocking, Jack wandered directly into the house and the smell of warmth and food hit me as soon as I passed through the entrance. I had yet to figure out what was actually on the menu, but I had been too shy to ask any questions in fear of being called out. So, I greeted all of them politely and PJ greeted me with a kiss on my cheek and swung his arm around my shoulder. As for Alex, it was a mutual nod from opposite ends of the room.

"It looks and smells really beautiful Mrs. Collins", I said politely, looking over the beautifully set table and all the food neatly placed.

"Oh dear, don't be silly. Call me Cassandra".

Cassandra Collins was the nicest woman I knew, alongside Abigail of course. She had soft features, a wonderful smile and was always nicely dressed. And looking at their front garden all those times I had been here, she had green fingers.

"So, is this the traditional thanksgiving dinner or..?". I tried to sound as casual as possible but ended up with all the people in the room staring at me.

"You've never been to a thanksgiving?". PJ's dad John Collins, looked shocked as he asked the question.

"We don't celebrate thanksgiving in Denmark".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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