Chapter 3

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God, I seriously needed to invest in a vehicle, the musky air makes me chilled to the bone and why does everything seem so far away when you walk alone in the dark. I have some Nirvana playing through my earbuds; I remember when I first listened to their album Nevermind. The music made my art ecstatic, and so expressive, it had grunge to it.

Right now it's Lithium that was putting me in the mood for suicide for what I was about to do and how Nina was going to kill me when she finally finds out what I'm going to do with this microchip.

Entering the building, the hospital entrance was scattered with nurses almost like little fire ants, sick people sitting in chairs impatiently waiting to be called on. I wasn't a big fan of hospitals, quite frankly I think everyone is and it isn't a happy place either brings up to many bad memories for me.

Approaching the front desk I stare down at the women, her hair tumbled to the side stray hairs laced everywhere. Her fingers rambling on the keyboard, "Excuse me." I say, interrupting her mid type.

"Yes," she rolls her eyes at me sticking the pen in her hair. "How can I help you?" Her gum nearly rolling out of her mouth.

I lean over the counter. "I'm looking for Keegan Murray; he was brought here later this evening," I say with a smile, hoping to coax the nurse.

"I'm sorry," she says sounding like a monotone robot, "We can only allow family members at this moment, visiting hours are over." She moves her eyes back to the computer screen.

"Well, could you make sure to give this to him?" I ask the nurse, handing her the chip that was placed in a ziplock bag.

She looks at me and nods her head, dismissing me to leave but I couldn't bring myself to. Maybe it was because if I do I'm going to have to tell Nina that I left the microchip to Keegan? She's going to want to kill me before I even turn the ripe age of twenty-one.

I honestly don't even want to go home right now; I'll just wait outside on this bench at the hospital and hopefully freeze to death because it seems to be the best option for my choosing.

And what more can happen? I mean tonight has been a record of nights and I just can't seem to understand how I'm targeted like a damn dart board.

"Hello?" I turn to see Keegan's mom glaring at me with a smoke in her hand and sitting down right beside me. She looks even worse than when she was getting interviewed.

"Hi, rough day?" I stick my hand out for her to shake, she returns with a shake and a smile.

"You can say that again." She smiles, flicking her blonde hair behind her.

I give a weary smile, "Yeah, sorry about that your son. No one deserves that." I did feel generally sorry.

"It's quite okay," She crosses her legs and flicks at her cigarette, "Maybe it'll smarten him up and make him come back home."

I would like to say I was shocked, but that guy was a douche canoe. "Oh, well I'm sorry for that?" I shrugged my shoulders.

He gives off a relaxing laugh. "It's okay I know my son doesn't do well with interaction." She pats me on the shoulder. "Basketball has been his whole life and his fathers too. No time for friends." She waves her hand around leaning forward.

"Well, I wouldn't have guessed that," I say with a laugh, and she laughs as well.

"You know I haven't had a decent laugh in a while." Her breath smelling of nicotine.

"No problem." I stand up. "I should probably get going, I got school tomorrow." I smile. "It was nice to meet you, Mrs. Murray."

"I hope we meet again Josephine." She gets up and shakes my hand. "You have a good night."

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