Chapter 6

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Keegan, it was Keegan.

"No," Nathan says his grip growing tighter around me. "I'm not leaving; I'm done being blamed for something I did."

My eyes widen, what the hell is he talking about? I look at Nina, face ghost white, and her lips pressed firmly together. "What is he talking about Nina?"

Nathan cackles. "Yes, Nina do tell us." I hear Keegan step forward.

"Let her go, Nathan," Keegan shouts.

Nina looks more nervous as the second goes by. "I-I-I-"

"God damn women," Nathan points toward Nina. "Tell her how we both got drunk that night when you were at another one of your stupid art galleries. We sat around waiting for you and got bored, so we decided the bedroom would be fun." He laughs; he fucking laughs acting like he won my heart back. "Didn't we Nina?"

Tears begin to well up in my eyes; I start pounding on Nathans' chest. I look towards Nina, tears already streaming down her face and I can't seem to look away. My best friend and my ex-fiancé? How much more cliché could it get?

"How could you?" I scream, my voice rattling against Nathan.

"Joe..." Nina begins to say, and finally, Nathan releases me from his grasps.

Keegan steps in front of me, his face looking so concerned he was blocking Nathans view from me. "That's all I had to say..." Nathan calls out walking backward, his hand raised in the air like he's a god.

Nina comes up to confront me. "No!" I yell at her. "Stay away from me!" I wanted to run at her, I wanted her to feel the way I did at this very moment. My stomach felt as if was dealing with angry butterflies, "I don't want anything to do with you!"

Nina looks at me and glances back to Keegan before taking off into our apartment, slamming the door in return

I hysterically start crying, and all I feel is an intense amount of pain all over my body like something is just squeezing me into this little ball and I can't move. I can barely breathe, and I continue to hyperventilate.

Before I knew it everything was gone, and I heard nothing but my name being called.

Waking up wasn't the hard part, the hardest part was still trying to wrap my head around that more than one person broke my heart, but by two people did instead.

My eyelids feel heavy and the sunlight burned them, thanks to my panic attack and the passing out I had no idea where I was. But the smell of sweaty gym wears advances to my nose, and my eyes finally adjusted to a messed up bedroom. Clothes lying every which way and an opened suitcase, hangers, and books sprawled across the floor and as I proceed to get up I notice I'm lying on a dark blue velvet couch.

As I look across from me and my eyes met with Keegan piercing blue eyes is staring right back at me. Getting up straight away I look down to see myself in a baggy old t-shirt that was not mine, how did he manage to get me into this? I begin to look around, panicking and running my fingers through my matted hair.

Keegan begins to stand up and chuckling at me. "Have I drink, it'll take your mind off of everything." He offers me a beer from his mini fridge.

I look at him baffled, "Are you fucking crazy? It's nine in the morning! Why am I in your disgusting apartment and why am I wearing this?" I stretched out his shirt, showing it to him.

He burst out into laughter. "Chill Joey," he cracks open his beer. "To answer your first question you were really horny which then you got a little frisky and you just really liked my shirt." He takes a sip of his bear with a wicked grin.

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